Fullpower: Introduction to Physical Self-Defense for Adults & Teens 15 and over
Sunday, November 17, 10-11am PT via Zoom
The time listed is in Pacific time. Click here to check your local time.
See Program Description below or Register Now
Program Description
In our Fullpower Introduction to Physical Self-Defense online program, adults of all ages as well as teens age 15-17 learn how to:
- Interrupt the Pattern of Attack
- Spot trouble early- and avoid it
- Deal confidently with threats and harassment
- Take the lead with friends to help them be safer, too
- Use 7 emergency self-defense skills to escape an attack
Your US$75 registration per screen includes one-on-one email support with questions before and after the workshop and links to resources to help you and your family apply, adapt, and practice the skills. This workshop comes with a free digital copy of our Fullpower Safety Comics for Teens and Adults and the self-paced Fullpower Self-Defense Skills course ($99 value) in the Kidpower Online Learning Center.
Workshop Fee: $75/screen (includes teens and adults in the same family)
Pre-registration is required as there is limited space.
This workshop is not appropriate for children under the age of 15.
Donations over the amount of workshop fees are tax-deductible. We do not turn anyone away from our workshops for lack of money. Scholarship assistance is available.
Because practicing together greatly increases the ability to use the skills taught in real life, we strongly recommend that you keep your video and microphone on and practice along with the instructor.
Upon registering, participants will receive a confirmation email with the meeting link.
The instructor’s presentation may be recorded for Kidpower use. Participants will not be recorded.
Instructor will stay up to 30 minutes after the end of the workshop to answer questions and practice skills.