Services & Resources for Schools
Social-emotional (SEL) safety skills, preschool-university
English | Español
Kidpower provides unique social-emotional (SEL) safety skills education for all abilities and ages, birth through golden years, for schools and organizations of all types globally.
Our resources and training programs are tools to transform your vision of a safe, inclusive school-wide culture into reality through everyday action. Kidpower is:
- preventative, helping to stop bullying, abuse, and harassment
- accessible and adaptable for all special education and general education students
- age-appropriate, supporting growth of core SEL safety skills from early childhood through adulthood
- strengths-based, valuing and building on participants’ capacity, skills, knowledge, and potential
- culturally aware, integrating a commitment to culturally sensitive practices from our start in 1989
- complementary, often enhancing existing restorative justice, conflict resolution, prevention, mindfulness, SEL, DEI, and MTSS/RTI/PBIS programs
- trauma-sensitive, promoting emotional and physical safety, centering the role of strong relationships with nurturing caregivers, and planning for the potential impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
Whether you are a parent, teacher, counselor, community liaison, or administrator seeking curriculum, workshops, or professional development for yourself, a team of colleagues, a single class, hundreds of classes – we are excited to work with you! Contact us about your needs or the needs of your group.
Carla Truttman, Director, School-based Mental Health & Wellness Program, Siskiyou County Office of Education
Phyllis Kirima, Founder of Kenya’s educational Citadel of Hope Foundation, teaching wellness skills in schools
Why Kidpower?
Every school/district is unique and uses our flexible, modular array of live workshops, curriculum, free resources, and self-paced courses in our Online Learning Center in their own way.
ALL Kidpower skills and strategies are supportive of ALL priorities listed below. We develop specific plans to address a group’s needs using service structures, curriculum, and examples tailored to their priorities and situations. Contact us about the needs of your class, school, district, or parent association!
Abuse Prevention, Erin's Law

Kidpower is an Erin’s Law Law child abuse prevention recommended resource.
To protect and empower students be safe from abuse in person and online, Kidpower provides:
- consent, boundary skills, and body safety education, including safety rules for private areas
- age-appropriate strategies for resisting emotional coercion, bribes, and threats
- professional development focused on teaching age-appropriate skills early childhood-adult
- child protection training for professionals, parents, and caregivers
- strategies for reinforcing safety skills and concepts by integrating them in standard professional practices
- training in the Kidpower Positive Practice Methodology to help reduce fear while building skill and confidence
To fulfill US state mandates related to Erin’s Law legislation including North Carolina SB199, use the Full Circle Safety course in the Online Learning Center. Your teachers, principals, coaches, counselors, and other vital school staff will learn how to prevent, detect, report and stop child sexual abuse and human trafficking.
To start learning and using Kidpower skills and curriculum right away, use the self-paced Kidpower Child Protection Training in the Online Learning Center. To arrange live online professional development training for your faculty or live online class programs for teachers together with their students, contact us!
See also:
Pre-K-12 Sexual Abuse Prevention
Touch and Consent in Healthy Relationships
Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
Kidpower Skills to Persist in Protecting Personal Boundaries through the 5 Levels of Intrusion
Fullpower Boundaries Personal Practice
Protecting Sexual Safety: Skills to Ensure Consent and Set Boundaries
ACEs, Trauma-Sensitive Education
Kidpower prioritizes practices that promote a culture of safety, empowerment and healing. Since our establishment in 1989, Kidpower has provided experiential, developmentally appropriate, evidence-informed programs that teach young people how to build resilience, lower their risk for experiencing trauma, and stay safe. The following elements are fundamental to all Kidpower programs:
- Safe, predictable, and supportive learning environments.
- The involvement of children and adults (parents, school and social services professionals) in the learning process to reinforce skills and encourage skill application after our classes have ended.
- Positive, success-based, respectful interactions that are affirming and not punitive, shaming, or blaming. Kidpower makes accomodations for different learning styles and communication needs.
- Strengths-based approaches valuing the capacity, experience, culture, perspectives, and knowledge of each person we serve.
- Healthy, strong relationships with nurturing caregivers able to buffer the impacts of stress. Kidpower teaches kids to actively identify multiple trusted adults to approach with safety problems and persist in telling until they get the help they need. Further, Kidpower teaches adults how to listen and respond to disclosure, granting permission to advocate for all children.
These principles are consistent with trauma-sensitive educational practices and are integrated not only into our program but also into our internal teamwork.
Kidpower strategies aim to prevent and mitigate the impact of toxic stress and ACEs by providing knowledge and skills that can:
- build core protective factors including personal capabilities with experiential role-plays, boundary-setting with a plan for future interactions, creating safety plans, restoring agency and personal power. These skills are taught using building blocks that ensure success-based learning for all students and their caregivers.
- provide skills-based training with safe practices that include: boundary setting, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, and advocacy that is accessible to youth and their caregivers.
- encourage students to feel strong and confident both in their bodies and minds.
- empowering adults with strategies to model and teach self-regulation and safety skills to their children in ways more likely to be buffering, nurturing and strengthening of relationships.
Bullying Prevention
Most bullying, including adult-to-adult bullying, can be stopped or prevented when everyone involved learns and uses core social-emotional safety skills. We teach:
- Social-emotional safety skills to be safe from bullying and electronic aggression at all ages
- Safety leadership strategies for adults to ensure that everyone in the school community is safe from bullying and harassment
- Positive, trauma-sensitive intervention and coaching skills to guide those using bullying behaviors to replace them with prosocial behaviors
In schools, the safety of everyone is ultimately the responsibility of adults. So, we encourage a focus on safety leadership for adults in a school community including teachers, administrators, yard supervisors, aftercare providers, and parents/guardians.
In order for young people to do their part to prevent and stop bullying, they need ongoing opportunities to learn, practice, review, apply, and adapt skills. And, they need confidence that adults are upholding boundaries and expectations consistently – in trauma-sensitive ways.
Kidpower addresses bullying prevention from all of these angles. We provide tailored support for dealing with specific types of bullying such as social aggression, cyberbullying, adult-to-adult bullying – with more resources listed on our Bullying Prevention page.
We also teach strategies for using Kidpower skills people can use to protect themselves and others from the harmful impacts of discrimination and prejudice.
To learn, use, and share skills right away, see our bullying prevention resources, enroll in our self-paced Child Protection Advocates Training in the Kidpower Online Learning Center.
Contact us to arrange training for your faculty, parent community, or classes!
Curriculum Frameworks & Standards
Kidpower workshops, resources, and curriculum will help you meet local requirements established by your school board, district, county, state, region, or country.
Kidpower aligns with the goals and objectives of most health education and physical education curricular standards and frameworks.
In addition, Kidpower aligns with most school prevention policies and requirements. The self-paced Full Circle Safety course in the Online Learning Center has been designed to meet US state level requirements dictated by Erin’s Law legislation. Though US Erin’s Law legislation differs state by state, the Full Circle Safety course meets North Carolina SB-199 requirements and so meets or exceeds requirements in other states.
Every governing body uses its own terms for defining its instructional requirements – contact us about your requirements and how Kidpower can help you meet them.
Examples of Kidpower connections to US state-level requirements:
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
DEI work commonly includes training to increase awareness and incorporate best practices – and Kidpower prepares people to turn that training into daily action schoolwide.
Kidpower gives youth and adults age-appropriate, ability-appropriate strategies to speak and act with skill and confidence in ways that further a school’s DEI vision. To support cultures of safety, respect, and inclusion, Kidpower prepares people to:
- speak and act in ways that project awareness, calm, and confidence
- set, respect, protect, and model boundaries consistently, in all interactions
- use practice as a management tool to address unsafe, disrespectful behavior
- give and accept feedback in ways that are more likely to improve communication and trust
- recognize and manage discomfort and emotional triggers so they do not prevent action supporting DEI goals
- coach students through success-based practices to learn and practice strategies that support your DEI goals
- intervene quickly and effectively to address joking, teasing, and other behaviors counter to your DEI goals
- speak up confidently and persistently about problems including experiences related to equity, inclusion, and prejudice
- identify common barriers that stop people from acting for safety – and create success-based practices to remove them
- adjust strategies based on the situation – such as the number and ages of people involved, the balances of power between them, and the availability of reliable adult help
For more about Kidpower’s approach to cultures of safety, equity, and inclusion, see:
Prejudice & Discrimination: Protecting Ourselves and Others
Integrity In Communication
Turning Bullying Prevention Practices into Positive Action
Social Aggression and Relational Aggression: Recognizing the Problem and Staying Safe
Creating Positive Social Climates
To contact Kidpower about school programs structured to enhance your DEI programming, vision, and goals, contact us or email
Kidpower skills and strategies are tools to support and enhance schools’ Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Response to Intervention (RtI), and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) efforts.
Educators commonly use Kidpower to transform the social-emotional goals, interventions, outcomes, and expectations they have identified for a student, class, or school into everyday action for all students in general education as well as special education programs.
They choose Kidpower for many reasons, including that:
- Kidpower’s approach to explicit teaching in a success-based model works best for everyone to learn, including students with disabilities.
- Kidpower skills provide students and ALL supporting staff – including playground, aftercare, custodial, transportation, office/administrative, and food services staff – with proactive behavior strategies for emotional and physical safety and positive peer relationship skills.
- Kidpower offers skills that support positive behavior for all students within the classroom and non-classroom settings.
- Kidpower’s success-based learning and experiential role-plays help enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to nourish environments that maximize academic success
For commonly used, accessible resources capturing Kidpower’s strengths-based, trauma-informed approach to behavioral supports, see these resources – and contact us about your group’s needs.
Practice as a Management Tool for Unsafe, Disrespectful Behavior
Seven Positive Strategies or Managing Aggressive Behavior in Small Children
Managing Wandering for People with Autism
Little Books for Literal People
How Do I Stop My Child From Bullying?
Special Education
People with disabilities face a higher risk of bullying and other maltreatment than their peers at all ages, yet their unique needs are often overlooked in traditional SEL and prevention programming. Kidpower makes it easy for you to provide equitable access.
Kidpower has set the standard since 1989 for accessible, experiential, strengths-based personal safety training for people with disabilities – as well as training for the professionals, parents, and others helping them thrive.
Kidpower skills and concepts are commonly incorporated into Individual Education Program (IEP), Individual Family Service (IFSP), and 504 Plan objectives to ensure equal access to education in the US.
The Safety Powers course in the Online Learning Center offers free self-paced SEL safety skills training for people with communication challenges and is commonly incorporated into educational programs for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities.
For more, see:
What Educators of Kids with Disabilities Can Do to Reduce Their Risks of Maltreatment
Unlimited Adaptability | Adaptabilidad Ilimitada
Unlimited Adaptability Workbook
Digital & print curriculum allowing flexibility & adaptation
Kidpower courses offered through our Online Learning Center are packed with demonstration videos, practice guides, and downloadable resources for educators to teach social-emotional safety skills in the way that’s best for their own students.
Kidpower print curriculum puts the same skills and strategies into hands, homes, and classrooms for physical engagement, read-aloud, coloring, handwriting, take-home assignments, and other creative offline activities. Many educators choose to use both the online courses and the print curriculum to expand their teaching options.
In our Online Learning Center, you’ll also find two courses designed to address staff training requirements consistent with Erin’s Law: Full Circle Safety: Sexual Abuse Prevention for K-12 Educators and Full Circle Safety: What K-12 Educators Need to Know About Human Trafficking.
Within each online course – and within each print publication – the content builds in a logical, linear way from beginning to end. At the same time, content segments can be used ‘on their own’ and revisited countless times. Many educators and students discover and revisit ‘favorites’ in our print publications and in our online courses that they enjoy reading, watching, or listening to over and over!
Kidpower tools and concepts are consistent for all ages, abilities, and life situations, so the broad range of digital and print curriculum options equip classes, schools, districts, families, and communities to get ‘on the same page’ about safety in ways that can include everyone – not just teachers and students and parents but also yard supervisors; aftercare providers; volunteers; and office, custodial, and cafeteria staff.
Because individuals and families can use Online Learning Center courses as well, teachers have more options for supporting social-emotional learning outside the classroom in ways that include and involve family members and build on the strengths they offer.
Many educators combine print options and online course options – and often organize a fewlive online workshopsto supplement and enhance their use of Kidpower online and print social-emotional safety skills curriculum, preK through university.
Core SEL safety skills taught in all classes
Kidpower core social-emotional safety skills help people of all ages and abilities take charge of safety and well-being – online and in person. Skills include how to:
- Act aware, calm, and confident
- Protect yourself emotionally from hurtful words or behavior
- Manage emotional triggers to stay in charge of what you say and do
- Recognize what is and is not safe
- Move away from trouble physically, emotionally, and digitally
- Assess – and think first or check first before acting
- Set powerful and respectful boundaries
- Apply safety principles about touch and attention in healthy relationships
- Advocate assertively and persistently for help with safety problems
- Use your voice and body to stop an attack and get to safety
We teach age-appropriate, ability-appropriate adaptations of these skills using examples and activities relevant to students’ ages and life situations.
Our trainings for parents and professionals teach adults how to teach these skills to others in their personal and professional lives.
Learn online with our workshops and resources – or contact us about your needs!

Abuse Prevention, Erin's Law

Kidpower is an Erin’s Law Law child abuse prevention recommended resource.
To protect and empower students be safe from abuse in person and online, Kidpower provides:
- consent, boundary skills, and body safety education, including safety rules for private areas
- age-appropriate strategies for resisting emotional coercion, bribes, and threats
- professional development focused on teaching age-appropriate skills early childhood-adult
- child protection training for professionals, parents, and caregivers
- strategies for reinforcing safety skills and concepts by integrating them in standard professional practices
- training in the Kidpower Positive Practice Methodology to help reduce fear while building skill and confidence
To fulfill US state mandates related to Erin’s Law legislation including North Carolina SB199, use the Full Circle Safety course in the Online Learning Center. Your teachers, principals, coaches, counselors, and other vital school staff will learn how to prevent, detect, report and stop child sexual abuse and human trafficking.
To start learning and using Kidpower skills and curriculum right away, use the self-paced Kidpower Child Protection Training in the Online Learning Center. To arrange live online professional development training for your faculty or live online class programs for teachers together with their students, contact us!
See also:
Pre-K-12 Sexual Abuse Prevention
Touch and Consent in Healthy Relationships
Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
Kidpower Skills to Persist in Protecting Personal Boundaries through the 5 Levels of Intrusion
Fullpower Boundaries Personal Practice
Protecting Sexual Safety: Skills to Ensure Consent and Set Boundaries
ACEs, Trauma-Sensitive Education
Kidpower prioritizes practices that promote a culture of safety, empowerment and healing. Since our establishment in 1989, Kidpower has provided experiential, developmentally appropriate, evidence-informed programs that teach young people how to build resilience, lower their risk for experiencing trauma, and stay safe. The following elements are fundamental to all Kidpower programs:
- Safe, predictable, and supportive learning environments.
- The involvement of children and adults (parents, school and social services professionals) in the learning process to reinforce skills and encourage skill application after our classes have ended.
- Positive, success-based, respectful interactions that are affirming and not punitive, shaming, or blaming. Kidpower makes accomodations for different learning styles and communication needs.
- Strengths-based approaches valuing the capacity, experience, culture, perspectives, and knowledge of each person we serve.
- Healthy, strong relationships with nurturing caregivers able to buffer the impacts of stress. Kidpower teaches kids to actively identify multiple trusted adults to approach with safety problems and persist in telling until they get the help they need. Further, Kidpower teaches adults how to listen and respond to disclosure, granting permission to advocate for all children.
These principles are consistent with trauma-sensitive educational practices and are integrated not only into our program but also into our internal teamwork.
Kidpower strategies aim to prevent and mitigate the impact of toxic stress and ACEs by providing knowledge and skills that can:
- build core protective factors including personal capabilities with experiential role-plays, boundary-setting with a plan for future interactions, creating safety plans, restoring agency and personal power. These skills are taught using building blocks that ensure success-based learning for all students and their caregivers.
- provide skills-based training with safe practices that include: boundary setting, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, and advocacy that is accessible to youth and their caregivers.
- encourage students to feel strong and confident both in their bodies and minds.
- empowering adults with strategies to model and teach self-regulation and safety skills to their children in ways more likely to be buffering, nurturing and strengthening of relationships.
Bullying Prevention
Most bullying, including adult-to-adult bullying, can be stopped or prevented when everyone involved learns and uses core social-emotional safety skills. We teach:
- Social-emotional safety skills to be safe from bullying and electronic aggression at all ages
- Safety leadership strategies for adults to ensure that everyone in the school community is safe from bullying and harassment
- Positive, trauma-sensitive intervention and coaching skills to guide those using bullying behaviors to replace them with prosocial behaviors
In schools, the safety of everyone is ultimately the responsibility of adults. So, we encourage a focus on safety leadership for adults in a school community including teachers, administrators, yard supervisors, aftercare providers, and parents/guardians.
In order for young people to do their part to prevent and stop bullying, they need ongoing opportunities to learn, practice, review, apply, and adapt skills. And, they need confidence that adults are upholding boundaries and expectations consistently – in trauma-sensitive ways.
Kidpower addresses bullying prevention from all of these angles. We provide tailored support for dealing with specific types of bullying such as social aggression, cyberbullying, adult-to-adult bullying – with more resources listed on our Bullying Prevention page.
We also teach strategies for using Kidpower skills people can use to protect themselves and others from the harmful impacts of discrimination and prejudice.
To learn, use, and share skills right away, see our bullying prevention resources, enroll in our self-paced Child Protection Advocates Training in the Kidpower Online Learning Center.
Contact us to arrange training for your faculty, parent community, or classes!
Curriculum Frameworks & Standards
Kidpower workshops, resources, and curriculum will help you meet local requirements established by your school board, district, county, state, region, or country.
Kidpower aligns with the goals and objectives of most health education and physical education curricular standards and frameworks.
In addition, Kidpower aligns with most school prevention policies and requirements. The self-paced Full Circle Safety course in the Online Learning Center has been designed to meet US state level requirements dictated by Erin’s Law legislation. Though US Erin’s Law legislation differs state by state, the Full Circle Safety course meets North Carolina SB-199 requirements and so meets or exceeds requirements in other states.
Every governing body uses its own terms for defining its instructional requirements – contact us about your requirements and how Kidpower can help you meet them.
Examples of Kidpower connections to US state-level requirements:
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
DEI work commonly includes training to increase awareness and incorporate best practices – and Kidpower prepares people to turn that training into daily action schoolwide.
Kidpower gives youth and adults age-appropriate, ability-appropriate strategies to speak and act with skill and confidence in ways that further a school’s DEI vision. To support cultures of safety, respect, and inclusion, Kidpower prepares people to:
- speak and act in ways that project awareness, calm, and confidence
- set, respect, protect, and model boundaries consistently, in all interactions
- use practice as a management tool to address unsafe, disrespectful behavior
- give and accept feedback in ways that are more likely to improve communication and trust
- recognize and manage discomfort and emotional triggers so they do not prevent action supporting DEI goals
- coach students through success-based practices to learn and practice strategies that support your DEI goals
- intervene quickly and effectively to address joking, teasing, and other behaviors counter to your DEI goals
- speak up confidently and persistently about problems including experiences related to equity, inclusion, and prejudice
- identify common barriers that stop people from acting for safety – and create success-based practices to remove them
- adjust strategies based on the situation – such as the number and ages of people involved, the balances of power between them, and the availability of reliable adult help
For more about Kidpower’s approach to cultures of safety, equity, and inclusion, see:
Prejudice & Discrimination: Protecting Ourselves and Others
Integrity In Communication
Turning Bullying Prevention Practices into Positive Action
Social Aggression and Relational Aggression: Recognizing the Problem and Staying Safe
Creating Positive Social Climates
To contact Kidpower about school programs structured to enhance your DEI programming, vision, and goals, contact us or email
Kidpower skills and strategies are tools to support and enhance schools’ Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Response to Intervention (RtI), and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) efforts.
Educators commonly use Kidpower to transform the social-emotional goals, interventions, outcomes, and expectations they have identified for a student, class, or school into everyday action for all students in general education as well as special education programs.
They choose Kidpower for many reasons, including that:
- Kidpower’s approach to explicit teaching in a success-based model works best for everyone to learn, including students with disabilities.
- Kidpower skills provide students and ALL supporting staff – including playground, aftercare, custodial, transportation, office/administrative, and food services staff – with proactive behavior strategies for emotional and physical safety and positive peer relationship skills.
- Kidpower offers skills that support positive behavior for all students within the classroom and non-classroom settings.
- Kidpower’s success-based learning and experiential role-plays help enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to nourish environments that maximize academic success
For commonly used, accessible resources capturing Kidpower’s strengths-based, trauma-informed approach to behavioral supports, see these resources – and contact us about your group’s needs.
Practice as a Management Tool for Unsafe, Disrespectful Behavior
Seven Positive Strategies or Managing Aggressive Behavior in Small Children
Managing Wandering for People with Autism
Little Books for Literal People
How Do I Stop My Child From Bullying?
Special Education
People with disabilities face a higher risk of bullying and other maltreatment than their peers at all ages, yet their unique needs are often overlooked in traditional SEL and prevention programming. Kidpower makes it easy for you to provide equitable access.
Kidpower has set the standard since 1989 for accessible, experiential, strengths-based personal safety training for people with disabilities – as well as training for the professionals, parents, and others helping them thrive.
Kidpower skills and concepts are commonly incorporated into Individual Education Program (IEP), Individual Family Service (IFSP), and 504 Plan objectives to ensure equal access to education in the US.
The Safety Powers course in the Online Learning Center offers free self-paced SEL safety skills training for people with communication challenges and is commonly incorporated into educational programs for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities.
For more, see:
What Educators of Kids with Disabilities Can Do to Reduce Their Risks of Maltreatment
Unlimited Adaptability | Adaptabilidad Ilimitada
Unlimited Adaptability Workbook
Digital & print curriculum allowing flexibility & adaptation
Kidpower courses offered through our Online Learning Center are packed with demonstration videos, practice guides, and downloadable resources for educators to teach social-emotional safety skills in the way that’s best for their own students.
Kidpower print curriculum puts the same skills and strategies into hands, homes, and classrooms for physical engagement, read-aloud, coloring, handwriting, take-home assignments, and other creative offline activities. Many educators choose to use both the online courses and the print curriculum to expand their teaching options.
In our Online Learning Center, you’ll also find two courses designed to address staff training requirements consistent with Erin’s Law: Full Circle Safety: Sexual Abuse Prevention for K-12 Educators and Full Circle Safety: What K-12 Educators Need to Know About Human Trafficking.
Within each online course – and within each print publication – the content builds in a logical, linear way from beginning to end. At the same time, content segments can be used ‘on their own’ and revisited countless times. Many educators and students discover and revisit ‘favorites’ in our print publications and in our online courses that they enjoy reading, watching, or listening to over and over!
Kidpower tools and concepts are consistent for all ages, abilities, and life situations, so the broad range of digital and print curriculum options equip classes, schools, districts, families, and communities to get ‘on the same page’ about safety in ways that can include everyone – not just teachers and students and parents but also yard supervisors; aftercare providers; volunteers; and office, custodial, and cafeteria staff.
Because individuals and families can use Online Learning Center courses as well, teachers have more options for supporting social-emotional learning outside the classroom in ways that include and involve family members and build on the strengths they offer.
Many educators combine print options and online course options – and often organize a fewlive online workshopsto supplement and enhance their use of Kidpower online and print social-emotional safety skills curriculum, preK through university.
Core SEL safety skills taught in all classes
Kidpower core social-emotional safety skills help people of all ages and abilities take charge of safety and well-being – online and in person. Skills include how to:
- Act aware, calm, and confident
- Protect yourself emotionally from hurtful words or behavior
- Manage emotional triggers to stay in charge of what you say and do
- Recognize what is and is not safe
- Move away from trouble physically, emotionally, and digitally
- Assess – and think first or check first before acting
- Set powerful and respectful boundaries
- Apply safety principles about touch and attention in healthy relationships
- Advocate assertively and persistently for help with safety problems
- Use your voice and body to stop an attack and get to safety
We teach age-appropriate, ability-appropriate adaptations of these skills using examples and activities relevant to students’ ages and life situations.
Our trainings for parents and professionals teach adults how to teach these skills to others in their personal and professional lives.
Learn online with our workshops and resources – or contact us about your needs!
Teachers’ Favorite Free Resources
All of the resources in the Kidpower Online Resource Library are used by educators worldwide – and, here is a selection of some of the most-requested, most-used favorites!
Learn Kidpower from the experts! Options include:
- Online, self-paced courses with captioned videos and more in the Kidpower Online Learning Center
- Online, live ‘community’ workshops open for public enrollment – see Workshops
- Online, live ‘organized’ workshops arranged by and for your own group, gathered virtually or physically – presented by a virtual instructor (in-person instruction is paused)
Every workshop is unique! In the planning stage, we listen and ask questions about your needs and priorities. Then, we provide a service tailored just for you. Read more about our most popular workshops for schools – and contact us to explore options for yours!
Schools arrange Kidpower Professional Development Programs for:
- full faculty teams- all levels and subject areas, preschool-university
- teams within a faculty, such as grade level or special education teams
- paraprofessionals, aides, and support staff including aftercare, office, and playground staff
Each is tailored to the needs of the group. Common priorities include bullying prevention; abuse prevention; safe and inclusive climate; skills for safe, strong relationships; and safety for youth with special needs. US$1900-up.
Contact us to discuss Kidpower Professional Development options for your school!
For Parents & Guardians
Give your parent community an opportunity to learn ways to protect and empower their kids!
Each Parentpower Program is tailored based on your priorities – such as bullying prevention, abuse prevention, online safety, stranger safety/abduction prevention, safety for youth with special needs, etc.
Your adults-only Parentpower Program can be:
- taught in English, Spanish, or French by an instructor skilled at working with interpreters
- open to all adults your online platform will allow – up to 95 if using Kidpower’s Zoom
- presented in 1 or 2 parts of 1-2 hours each, US$950-up
Contact us to explore Parentpower options for the parents and guardians in your school community!
For Families
Familypower Programs give students side-by-side with their adults an opportunity to have fun learning safety together!
Each Familypower Program is tailored to students’ ages and life situations as well as your priorities. Familypower Programs serve 10-50 families/screens (max varies based on students’ ages) and can be:
- taught in English, Spanish, or French by an instructor skilled at working with interpreters
- tailored for students in the age range you choose (3-teen) side-by-side with their parents/guardians
- adapted to meet the needs of learners of diverse abilities
- presented in 1 or 2 parts of 1-2 hours each, US$950-up
Contact us to explore Familypower options for your school community!
For Classrooms
Teachers and their students learn and practice safety skills together in Classroom Workshops presented as Kidpower, Teenpower, or Fullpower adult safety workshops.
Classroom Workshops serve individual (not combined) classes of students together with their regular teachers staff participating along with them and can be:
- taught in English, Spanish, or French
- tailored based on your priorities and students’ ages and life situations
- adapted to meet the needs of learners of diverse abilities
- arranged with Kidpower Professional Development to offer fieldwork training for staff
- presented in 1-12 parts of 20-120 minutes each, US$950-up
Contact us to explore Classroom Workshop options for your school community!
Self-paced courses in the Kidpower Online Learning Center are priced by course – and some are free! See current self-paced course offerings and costs.
Depending on your group and your priorities, live workshops online or in-person (if available in your area) can be:
- 1-6 hours in length, total
- One-time, single-session
- Multi-part, 2-12 sessions
Minimum costs for workshops and programs taught live:
- US$950-up for parent/caregiver and family workshops
- US$950-up for workshops serving a teacher with their class
- US$1900-up for professional development programs
Please do not let lack of money stop you from reaching out! Since 1989, we have remained committed to doing all in our power to ensure that money is not the sole factor preventing people from getting access to Kidpower. Costs listed are the costs incurred by Kidpower, and we have an outstanding track record of working with groups to address costs, including by using grant funding secured by Kidpower.
Contact us now to talk about your situation! We will tell you the exact cost of the services you are considering.
For Staff
Schools arrange Kidpower Professional Development Programs for:
- full faculty teams- all levels and subject areas, preschool-university
- teams within a faculty, such as grade level or special education teams
- paraprofessionals, aides, and support staff including aftercare, office, and playground staff
Each is tailored to the needs of the group. Common priorities include bullying prevention; abuse prevention; safe and inclusive climate; skills for safe, strong relationships; and safety for youth with special needs. US$1900-up.
Contact us to discuss Kidpower Professional Development options for your school!
For Parents & Guardians
Give your parent community an opportunity to learn ways to protect and empower their kids!
Each Parentpower Program is tailored based on your priorities – such as bullying prevention, abuse prevention, online safety, stranger safety/abduction prevention, safety for youth with special needs, etc.
Your adults-only Parentpower Program can be:
- taught in English, Spanish, or French by an instructor skilled at working with interpreters
- open to all adults your online platform will allow – up to 95 if using Kidpower’s Zoom
- presented in 1 or 2 parts of 1-2 hours each, US$950-up
Contact us to explore Parentpower options for the parents and guardians in your school community!
For Families
Familypower Programs give students side-by-side with their adults an opportunity to have fun learning safety together!
Each Familypower Program is tailored to students’ ages and life situations as well as your priorities. Familypower Programs serve 10-50 families/screens (max varies based on students’ ages) and can be:
- taught in English, Spanish, or French by an instructor skilled at working with interpreters
- tailored for students in the age range you choose (3-teen) side-by-side with their parents/guardians
- adapted to meet the needs of learners of diverse abilities
- presented in 1 or 2 parts of 1-2 hours each, US$950-up
Contact us to explore Familypower options for your school community!
For Classrooms
Teachers and their students learn and practice safety skills together in Classroom Workshops presented as Kidpower, Teenpower, or Fullpower adult safety workshops.
Classroom Workshops serve individual (not combined) classes of students together with their regular teachers staff participating along with them and can be:
- taught in English, Spanish, or French
- tailored based on your priorities and students’ ages and life situations
- adapted to meet the needs of learners of diverse abilities
- arranged with Kidpower Professional Development to offer fieldwork training for staff
- presented in 1-12 parts of 20-120 minutes each, US$950-up
Contact us to explore Classroom Workshop options for your school community!
Self-paced courses in the Kidpower Online Learning Center are priced by course – and some are free! See current self-paced course offerings and costs.
Depending on your group and your priorities, live workshops online or in-person (if available in your area) can be:
- 1-6 hours in length, total
- One-time, single-session
- Multi-part, 2-12 sessions
Minimum costs for workshops and programs taught live:
- US$950-up for parent/caregiver and family workshops
- US$950-up for workshops serving a teacher with their class
- US$1900-up for professional development programs
Please do not let lack of money stop you from reaching out! Since 1989, we have remained committed to doing all in our power to ensure that money is not the sole factor preventing people from getting access to Kidpower. Costs listed are the costs incurred by Kidpower, and we have an outstanding track record of working with groups to address costs, including by using grant funding secured by Kidpower.
Contact us now to talk about your situation! We will tell you the exact cost of the services you are considering.
Find videos, lessons, practice guides, and activities you can use now in the Online Learning Center – or choose a printed publication you can use to help your students learn age-appropriate, ability-appropriate social-emotional safety skills! Contact us with any questions or needs.
Courses from the Online Learning Center
You’ll find an ever-growing array of self-paced courses – including the one featured below! – in the Kidpower Online Learning Center. Start using them on your own or to help your students, clients, loved ones, or others build skills to be safe.
Adapting to Learning Differences
Learn how to adapt ‘People Safety’ skills to teach them in relevant ways to individuals with learning differences. Using the Kidpower Teaching Method, learn how to protect people with sensory, motor, and intellectual disabilities from bullying, violence, and abuse – and empower them with self-advocacy skills.
Safetypowers Course
A free course with short lessons — including videos with captions — to help people of all ages with communication challenges to learn and practice ‘People Safety’ skills to have more fun and few difficulties with people.
Full Circle Safety: What K-12 Educators Need to Know About Human Trafficking
Professional development training: What K-12 educators need to know to recognize and report suspected human trafficking concerns. Fulfills some U.S. state laws including North Carolina’s SB199. Also addresses emotional safety skills, and what healthy vs. unhealthy relationships look like.
Full Circle Safety: Sexual Abuse Prevention for K-12 Educators
Sexual abuse prevention training for K-12 educators. Fulfills many state (U.S.) requirements such as Erin’s Law.
Kidpower Starting Strong Classroom Lessons
Kidpower’s Starting Strong curriculum is designed to make it fun and easy for educators to teach ‘People Safety’ lessons to groups of young children from about 3 to 7 years old. Starting Strong Online Classroom Lessons includes clear explanations, relevant social stories, and directions for practicing each set of skills along with adaptations for learning differences.
Teenpower Independence and Healthy Relationships Classroom Lessons
This Teenpower ready-to-use classroom program offers teachers a series of short lessons they can lead independently directly in their classrooms. Teenpower’s ‘People Safety’ skills help prepare older teens for safer, more positive experiences with people they know and don’t know as they take on more independence – either online or in-person.
Kidpower Confident Kids Classroom Lessons
Easy, fun, made-for-you lessons educators can use to teach ‘People Safety’ skills to groups of kids ages 7-13. Each lesson includes clear explanations, relevant social stories, directions for skill practices, and adaptations for learning differences.
Face Bullying with Confidence
8 skills from Kidpower to practice proven strategies to prevent and stop bullying. Practice for your own safety – or coach a child, student or group. Adults and youths use these skills to avoid or end bullying at school, at work, in their communities, online.
Free Live Guided Tour of Online Center
Learn what’s in the Kidpower Online Learning Center and how you can use our courses to build healthy relationship skills for yourself and others in your personal and professional lives.
Buy Curriculum Books

Starting Strong Safety Lessons & Teacher's Guide
Starting Strong Safety Lessons
These 12 cartoon-illustrated social safety stories are tools for parents, teachers, and other caring adults to empower younger children with skills that can help prevent and solve problems with people. Skills include boundary setting, stranger safety, getting help from busy adults, strategies for stopping bullying, and more!
Starting Strong Safety Teacher’s Guide
This Teacher’s Guide for the Kidpower Starting Strong Safety Lessons book provides recommendations for coaching the skills in daily life; using crafts and activities to revisit the skills; at-home lessons for families; and adaptations for learning differences.
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Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons & 10 Assignments
Kidpower Confident Kids Safety Lessons
Prepare children to take charge of their emotional and physical safety with peers, acquaintances and strangers with these 15 ‘People Safety’ Group Lessons, with cartoon illustrations.
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Kidpower Confident Kids 10 Assignments
10 short, cartoon-illustrated assignments that can be used in a classroom, youth group, or family to introduce and reinforce key Kidpower “People Safety” Skills in English and Spanish.
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Unlimited Adaptability Workbook
Educators and parents committed to protecting people with disabilities or special needs from bullying, abuse, and other maltreatment will find a wide range of resources for coaching, sharing, learning, and adapting safety skills for all ages and abilities in this volume of social stories and coaching guides.
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One Strong Move
This cartoon-illustrated book provides important self-defense lessons showing how to avoid and escape from an attack for adults and teens and for use by adults in teaching children.
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Kidpower Children's Social Stories
Book 1: How To Avoid Trouble, Protect Your Heart’s Safety, And Set Boundaries. For Children From Ages 3 to 10.
Book 1 focuses on how to be and act aware, be safe with touch, set boundaries, be safe with words, move away from trouble, and check first with adults before doing something new.
Book 2: How To Get Help, Stay Safe In Public, And Protect Yourself From Safety Problems Like Bullying. For Children From 3 to 10
Book 2 focuses on how to get help, stay safe with private areas, stay safe with strangers and in public, be powerful with your voice and body, and stop bullying by taking charge of safety.
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Kidpower Youth Social Stories
Book 1: How To Avoid Trouble, Protect Your Emotional Safety, And Set Boundaries. For Youth From 9 to 14
Book 1 focuses on awareness; safety with touch; boundary setting; safety with words; moving away from trouble; and thinking and checking first.
Book 2: How To Get Help, Stay Safe In Public, And Protect Yourself From Safety Problems Like Bullying. For Youth From 9 to 14
Book 2 focuses on getting help with safety problems; staying safe with private areas; staying safe with strangers and in public; being powerful with your voice and body; and stopping bullying by taking charge of safety.
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Kidpower Comprehensive Curriculum Teaching Books
The six new books in our Kidpower Teaching Book series make it easy and fun for educators, parents, and other adult leaders to use our “People Safety” curriculum with children and youth in their classrooms, youth programs, and families.
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Fullpower Social Safety Stories for Teens and Adults
Book 1: How to Avoid Trouble, Protect Your Emotional Safety, And Set Boundaries
With part 1 of our 2-part series of social stories for teens and adults, learn and share strategies for being safe with words; being and acting aware; moving away from trouble; and setting clear and respectful boundaries.
Book 2: How To Get Help, Stay Safe In Public, And Protect Yourself From Bullying & Abuse
With part 2 of our 2-part series of social stories for teens and adults, learn and share strategies for getting help, staying safe in public, and protect yourself from bullying, harassment, and abuse.
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To inquire about workshops for schools or other services, use the contact form below.