Kidpower Colorado

1994 Local co-founders Jan DeBoer, Debra Campeau, Jan Isaacs Henry with Timothy Dunphy, Int’l Co-Founder
The Colorado Kidpower Center was established by Jan Isaacs Henry, Jan DeBoer and Debra Campeau in 1994. Each had other jobs that involved sensitivity to the topic of child abuse.
Executive Director Jan Isaacs Henry has trained and supervised the Colorado staff and continues to provide Kidpower presentations throughout the state. She was a Licensed Professional Counselor in the Colorado Springs area from 1978 through 1997 specializing in the treatment of trauma. Jan received the 2008 Lohman Award for “Excellence on Behalf of Children” from the El Paso County Bar Association and a 2013 Woman of Influence award from the Colorado Springs Business Journal for her work with Kidpower.
To date, more than 60,000 individuals have received safety training and Kidpower has collaborated with more than 200 schools, agencies and organizations. Additionally, thousands more have benefited from our training for educators, social service agency staff, law enforcement officials and parents, and from our educational resources.
Visit the Kidpower Colorado website:

Jan Isaacs Henry, Kidpower of Colorado Co-founder and Executive Director
Our Team
Back row, from left: Erin, Chris, Kiersten, Karl, Linda, Liz, Diane, Jim
Front row: MJ, Jan, Ashleigh, Meredith, Jocelyn, Vennita, Melissa, Natalie, Angela
Not pictured: Brian, Jennifer
Our Big News
We are excited to announce our participation in our local Children’s Advocacy Center – Safe Passage’s new co-located center in Colorado Springs. This collaborative model, an industry best practice, brings together six partner agencies for abuse prevention, investigation, medical support, advocacy, and healing services in one location. This is a model of service that is a national standard and the only co-located center in Colorado.
Kidpower has partnered with Safe Passage as its safety education provider since both agencies began in 1994. This innovative model allows Kidpower to best meet the needs of families as their healing begins. As always, Kidpower also continues to prioritize our very important risk reduction/prevention work to help all kids be safe, confident, and strong.
A longtime dream, Kidpower integrates our administrative offices and training space in one location. The new space gives Kidpower the opportunity to expand services and train more kids and their caregivers in our unique, positive, upbeat, and age-appropriate way.

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