The Tyler Clementi Foundation

The Tyler Clementi Foundation works to end online and offline bullying in schools, workplaces and faith communities. TCF, guided by the life and story of Tyler Clementi, promotes safe, inclusive and respectful social environments in homes, schools, campuses, churches and the digital world for vulnerable youth, LGBT youth and their allies.

One important TCF action for adult leadership – that Kidpower is strongly supporting – is their #Day1 campaign to stop bullying and harassment before it starts in schools, companies and organizations.

“We greatly appreciate Kidpower’s consultation on #Day1, in order to create a #Day1 statement that is as strong, clear, and inclusive as possible,” says Sean Kosofsky, Executive Director of the Tyler Clementi Foundation. “We also want to acknowledge the important work Kidpower does teaching people physical and emotional safety skills that will help them become Upstanders who apply these positive values to themselves and others in their daily lives.”

TCF has also committed to support the activities of International Child Protection Month in 2015 by:

  • Using social media to promote the Kidpower Put Safety First Commitment and Protection Promise,  both of which address the feelings that get in the way of taking action and getting help.
  • Sending an e-blast to our list and through Kidpower’s newsletter about Tyler Clementi Foundation’s participation in International Child Protection Month and the #Day1 Campaign.
  • Collaborating on co-branded materials with Kidpower for #Day1 follow-up curriculum and to bring this message to younger children.