Kidpower ‘People Safety’ Skills

Learn and teach Kidpower’s ‘People Safety’ Skills to build healthy relationships and avoid bullying, harassment, abuse, and violence:

Review Kidpower’s 10 Core ‘People Safety’ Skills

Teach with Books  |  Schedule Workshops & Consulting  |  Read Articles & Share Handouts

Thanks to Kidpower, our son stopped an older kid from molesting him by setting strong boundaries, leaving, and getting help.

Thanks to Kidpower, our son stopped an older kid from molesting him by setting strong boundaries, leaving, and getting help.

Everyone Deserves Respect:  Protecting Young People from Prejudice

More about Social Safety Skill #8:  How to Speak Up About Putdowns

Most of the Misery from Bullying is Preventable!
8 Social Safety Skills to Stop Bullying

Being Bullied Stops Kids from Learning: See Our School Resources

Kidpower’s 10 Core ‘People Safety’ Skills

We use the term ‘People Safety’ to mean social-emotional, interpersonal safety skills for preventing and solving problems with people, and for developing healthy relationships that reduce isolation and increase happiness.

You can use these 10 Core ‘People Safety’ Skills, and the links to articles that go more in-depth, as a checklist to prepare children, teens, and adults, including those with special needs, to take charge of their safety and well-being.

1. Act with awareness, calm, and respectful confidence so that people will listen to you better and bother you less.

2. Protect your feelings from hurtful words or behavior instead of taking negative messages inside where they can make you miserable for a very long time.

3. Stay in charge of what you say and do by managing your emotional triggers so that you are able to think clearly, make wise choices, and act respectfully towards yourself and others no matter how you feel inside. Acting respectfully sometimes requires NOT doing what someone wants you to by refusing politely and instead doing what you think is safest or best for your well-being.

4. Recognize what is and is not safe so that you can assess a situation and avoid most trouble before it starts. This includes knowing and using Kidpower’s Relationship Safety Rules and Stranger Safety Rules.

5. Move away from trouble and towards safety so that you can stop problems quickly, before they grow.

6. Check First and Think First before you make decisions about what you do, who is with you, and where you go. Until they have the experience and the skills to make these decisions for themselves, children are safest if they Stay Together with their parents and other responsible adults and Check First before changing the plan. Both children and adults are safer if they Think First before taking action – and Check First with those who are responsible for the results of  their decisions.

7. Set powerful and respectful boundaries so that you can speak up for what you do and do not want, listen to what other people do and do not want, and work out problems with others.

8. Follow the safety rules about touch, teasing, and play in healthy relationships so that you can have fun and avoid unsafe behavior.

9. Persist until you get the help you need so that you know how to find people who have the power to help you, when and how to interrupt someone who is distracted or busy, and how to keep asking if someone doesn’t listen.

10. Be prepared to use your voice and body to stop an attack so that you can escape from a violent situation and get to safety where someone can help you.

The Kidpower Safety and Respect Message

Tell your kids: “You have the RIGHT to be treated with safety and respect, and the RESPONSIBILITY to act safely and respectfully towards yourself and others.”

Talk with kids about safety and respect.

Featured Kidpower Videos for Social Safety Skills


See for yourself how we teach, and adapt, our safety skills and strategies in our video library

We have videos in English, Spanish, German, French… and more on the way!


Watch this recently recorded Fullpower Emotional Safety Webinar to see how we teach ‘People Safety’ skills online.

Take action to build healthy relationships AND help you avoid and stop bullying, harassment, assault, abuse, and other violence:

Kidpower Publications Provide ‘People Safety’ Skills and Strategies to Build Healthy Relationships and Stop Bullying, Abuse, Assault, and other Violence

kidpower book cover imageThe Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People provides extensive information on how to protect children from sexual abuse, including clear explanations, inspiring stories, and step-by-step explanations about how to practice skills.Get the Book: 'Bullying - What adults need to know and do to keep kids safe'

Kidpower’s Bullying Solutions Book gives clear explanations, inspiring stories, and step-by-step activities to help teach skills to address and stop bullying, abuse, and violence effectively. This book is used by many schools and youth organizations as a foundation for their own anti-bullying and abuse prevention programs.

Relationship-Safety-Skills-front-(1)The Relationship Safety Skills Handbook is for teen and adult victims and potential victims of relationship violence (dating and domestic violence), as well as the support people in their lives.

Kidpower and Fullpower Safety Comics and Curriculum Teaching Books give cartoon-illustrated tools for teaching and practicing “People Safety” skills that build healthy relationships and can stop most abuse and bullying by preparing kids to set and respect boundaries, and how to get help.

The Kidpower Teaching Book series specifically provide social stories and skill practices related to building healthy relationships, gaining independence, and keeping kids safe in a clear, age-appropriate way.




Check out Kidpower’s extensive online library of articles, videos, posters, handouts, safety tips, and ebooks!

Featured Healthy Relationships and Harm Prevention Resources in Kidpower’s Online Resources Library





Kidpower Skills for Child Protection Training and Consulting

cpai-aug-2015-ireneKidpower offers a wide range of in-person and online programs for parents, professionals, children, teens, adults, and people with difficult life challenges based on the specific needs of their families, schools, organizations, or businesses. See our California services or other locations for more information.

We provide a variety of online ‘People Safety’ webinars, custom long-distance seminars, consulting, and personal coaching sessions that can be conducted anywhere by video-conferencing, email, or telephone. Services also include keynote speakers for conferences, tailored sessions for board and staff retreats, and traveling instructors. Please contact us.

Our three-day Kidpower Skills for Child Protection Advocates Institute provides an in-depth training in how to use our intervention, advocacy, and personal safety skills to protect and empower children and teens. 

Register now!

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