The People Behind Our Success Kidpower's Central Office Staff and Senior Program Leaders

Central Office Staff Members Executive Director and Founder Irene van der Zande California Program Director Erika Leonard Director of Strategic Planning, Finance, and Grants Ed van der Zande Director of Web Communications Beth McGreevy Lead Program Coordinator Ellen Frankel Program Manager/Senior Instructor Antonie Del Bonta Program Coordinators/Instructors Denlin Doty Amy Dahlen Central Office Manager Eamon […]

Teenpower/Fullpower Instructor Training

Our next Teenpower/Fullpower Core Skills Training for Teaching Teens and Adults will be held April 23 – 28, 2020 and will include hands-on teaching with adults and teens, including seniors and people with intellectual disabilities. Application Deadline: March 15, 2020.

Kidpower in the News!

Contact us for interviews, quotes, blog posts, and graphics to share Kidpower’s nearly 30 years of expertise in teaching interpersonal safety skills to help protect people of all ages, abilities, cultures, beliefs, and identities from bullying, abuse, kidnapping, and other emotional or physical violence.

Kidpower Instructor Training Certification Program

Kidpower’s 6-day CPTs are an opportunity to learn and teach Kidpower’s social safety and physical safety skills for yourself and with real students, with expert coaching support in a positive and accelerated learning environment. This training offers the opportunity to practice Kidpower’s safety skills for yourself, practice teaching to others, observe experienced people teaching, and then to see, teach, and practice personal safety safety skills in real workshops with real students.

October is Bullying Awareness Month – Kidpower Resources for Positive Peer Communication

The reason we call our programs Positive Peer Communication, is because our approach is to teach the skills we want young people and adults to build for respectful self-advocacy, boundary setting, and effectively getting help. These skills do help to prevent bullying and harassment — and even more importantly: they are the same skills that help everyone to build positive, healthy relationships and a culture of safety and respect in their families, schools, communities, and workplaces.

Kidpower International HQ and California Center

Kidpower International and our California Center are both run from our Central Office in Santa Cruz, California. Our strategy is to “serve locally and share globally.” From our Central Office HQ, we support instructor training, curriculum development, and program quality for our centers across the United States and around the world — and directly oversee the organizing and teaching of workshops throughout California.