The fourth installment of the Kidpower Shorts series is the first to address emotional safety, specifically how to keep yourself and others safe around anger and other upset feelings. This video aims to provide skills for recognizing and managing triggers, keeping your heart protected from other people’s upset, and managing your own upset feelings in a safe and respectful way.

Avery is a Kidpower native and is currently studying Zoology at the University of Glasgow. He is glad to be supporting Kidpower by producing the Kidpower Shorts, which he hopes will be accessible and helpful to people of all ages around the world!

This video was produced with help from Chris Graham, CEO of The Marketing Department, a Glasgow-based design agency helping clients flourish in Scotland and worldwide. Find more about Chris and The Marketing Department at

Photo Credits
All stock photos were downloaded from in November and December 2020. Many thanks to the creators.

Credits in order of appearance:
Tengyart, Craig Whitehead, Jeniffer Araujo, Christian Erfurt, NASA, Priscilla du Preez, Nabeel Syed, Alvaro Serrano, Priscilla du Preez, Ronny Sison, Joshua Ness, Aaron Blanco Tejedor, Giulia Bertelli, Priscilla du Preez, Ben White, Arek Adeoye, Derek Truninger, Umit Bulut, Luke Thornton, Priscilla du Preez, & Kevin Schmid.

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Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International is a global nonprofit leader dedicated to protecting people of all ages and abilities from bullying, violence, and abuse by empowering them with awareness, knowledge, and skills. Since, 1989, Kidpower has served millions of children, teenagers, and adults, including those with special needs, through its positive and practical workshops, extensive free online Library, consultation, and publications. Instead of using fear to teach about danger, Kidpower makes it fun to learn to be safe! Our K-12 curriculum is used by families, schools, and youth organizations for their own child safety programs. Publications include: Bullying: What Adults Need to Know and Do to Keep Kids Safe, the Relationship Safety Skills Handbook for Teens and Adults, The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People, and our cartoon-illustrated Safety Comics series and Introductory Curriculum for Educators.

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