Kidpower Video Resources
See for yourself how we teach, and adapt, our safety skills and strategies for keeping people of all ages and abilities safe from bullying, abuse, assault, and other violence ― while empowering them to take charge of their well-being
- Kidpower Shorts Video Series
- Fullpower Emotional Safety, Boundary, Advocacy, and Conflict Resolution Webinars for Adults and Teens
- Kidpower Videos for Parents and Other Caring Adults: Safety for Families and Children
- Kidpower Videos for Children With Their Adults
- Videos About Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Programs
- Community Videos About Kidpower: Teens, Special Needs, News
Kidpower Shorts
The Kidpower Shorts video series presents safety skills for all ages in a simple, quick, and engaging format. Kidpower ‘native’ Avery makes topics like awareness, online safety, and emotional safety accessible and applicable to people from all backgrounds who are practicing how to keep themselves safe in the world.
Episode 1: Awareness
Avery demonstrates ways to practice one of Kidpower’s most fundamental safety skills — Awareness! Being aware with your body and your mind can help you avoid problems and go about the world with more calm and confidence!
Episode 2: Digital Citizenship
The second installment of the Kidpower Shorts series focuses on an increasingly important topic — digital citizenship. Most of us are spending a lot more time online working, learning, and socializing, and practicing good digital citizenship can help everyone have a better time on the internet!
Episode 3: Online Privacy
The third Kidpower Shorts episode focuses on another important aspect of Internet safety — Online Privacy. This video aims to raise awareness about the ways people can share personal information online, and give people context for how to think about, talk about, and communicate their own online privacy boundaries.
Episode 4: Emotional Safety
The fourth episode of the Kidpower Shorts series addresses emotional safety. This video aims to provide skills for recognizing and managing triggers, keeping your heart protected from other people’s upset, and managing your own upset feelings in a safe and respectful way.
Episode 5: Loneliness & Negative Self-Talk
Episode Five of the Kidpower Shorts series discusses loneliness and negative self talk. This episode provides examples of common ways people engage in negative self talk and self sabotage, and shows how to take action to improve emotional safety with a few Kidpower emotional safety skills.
Episode 6: Setting Boundaries
The sixth Kidpower Shorts episode introduces the skill of setting clear, respectful boundaries. Setting clear boundaries can help keep you safe, strengthen your relationships, and reduce conflict.
Episode 7: Managing Triggers
Episode Seven of the Kidpower Shorts series provides an introduction to emotional triggers and the challenges they pose to safety. In this video, Avery demonstrates Kidpower safety skills people could use to manage responses to triggers.
Episode 8: Managing Negative Reactions to Boundaries
In episode eight of the Kidpower Shorts series, Avery discusses negative reactions to boundaries and ways in which people can manage and resist them. This episode expands on boundary practices and shows how to apply communication and emotional safety skills to persist in setting boundaries.
Episode 9: Emotional Coercion
The ninth episode of Kidpower Shorts focuses on a particular type of boundary lowering tactic — emotional coercion. Emotional coercion can be hard to spot, no matter what anyone intends. This video can help you recognize emotional coercion and take charge of your safety.
Episode 10: Making Friends Online
Episode 10 of the Kidpower Shorts Series focuses on skills to make safe friendships online. The internet is a large and interesting place with lots of interesting people, just like the real world. And many safety skills that we use in the real world can also apply online.
Episode 11: Getting Help
Episode 11 focuses on how to find someone to ask for help, how to practice asking for help with a clear and calm voice, how to persist in getting help when someone does not listen, and how to tell the difference between tattling and telling to get help.
Episode 12: Staying Safe from Trafficking
Episode 12 addresses these questions and more, providing skills to recognize the signs of trafficking and take action to keep yourself physically and emotionally safe in these situations.
Fullpower Emotional Safety, Boundary, Advocacy, and Conflict Resolution Webinars for Adults and Teens
Fullpower Emotional Safety Skills Webinar for Adults
Irene van der Zande, Executive Director and Founder of Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International, shares stories, skills, and strategies about how to recognize and manage our emotional triggers during this intense and challenging time – and then demonstrates and shows how to practice 8 techniques for managing these triggers for yourself and others you want to support.
(Original Broadcast Date: April 2, 2020)
Boundary-Setting Skills Webinar for Adults
In two separate Webinars, Irene van der Zande, Executive Director and Founder of Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International, shares stories, skills, and strategies about how to use boundary-setting skills to stay safe with ourselves and each other emotionally and physically during this intense and challenging time. She shares how to use a boundary bridge to improve communication and how to persist in the face of common negative reactions to boundaries – and how to teach these skills to young people and others you want to support. She Also demonstrates how to coach the use of these skills to address problems in live practices with Kidpower team members about common problems that people are having while living and working together, often while parenting and educating children or supporting vulnerable family members.
(Original Broadcast Date: March 24, 2020 & April 16, 2020)
Fullpower Advocacy Skills Webinar for Adults
Irene van der Zande, Executive Director and Founder of Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International, shares stories, skills, and strategies about how to use assertive advocacy skills to take charge of our well being and to protect the safety of children, teens, and other vulnerable people. Knowing how to advocate for ourselves and others is especially important in this challenging time.
(Original Broadcast Date: March 26, 2020)
Conflict Resolution Skills Webinar for Adults
Master Conflict Resolution Trainer Maryse Postlewaite joins with Kidpower Founder Irene van der Zande to share fun and effective ways of reducing stress, preventing problems, and creating compassionate relationships during this challenging time when many of us are struggling with home all day together or with being far apart. These skills can make life better for everyone – now and into the future.
(Original Broadcast Date: March 31, 2020)
Kidpower Videos for Parents and Other Caring Adults: Safety for Families and Children
Ellen Presents: Kidpower’s Core Principle
Ellen Frankel of Kidpower California shares Kidpower’s Underlying Principle: “The safety and wellbeing of a child is more important than anyone’s inconvenience, embarrassment or offense — even our own!”
Parenting in a Pandemic
>> Click to watch these videos
Kidpower of Colorado Executive Director Jan Isaacs-Henry has a conversation about emotional safety with Kidpower Senior Instructor Meredith Henry, LCSW. We hope this will be helpful both for families locally and our friends in other locations during this challenging time. Please feel free to share with your networks.
How Kidpower can be helpful now
Kidpower Colorado Director Jan Isaacs Henry addresses what Kidpower does, why it is particularly important during these times of COVID-19, and Kidpower availability here and through our Centers around the world. She also introduces our “Kidpower Safety Snippets” and the transition to virtual workshops until we can be together in person.
Tips for inviting open communication with our kids
MJ Hayes, Kidpower of Colorado’s Visiting Instructor and Center Director Kidpower North Carolina, gives tips to parents to teach kids that it is okay to say set a boundary if someone does something unsafe or breaks our safety rules. She also helps parents have specific language tools to open up lines of communication so that our kids come to us with both the small and big things that may be bothering them.
Protecting Kids From Sexual Abuse Without Scaring Them
Over 100 people attended our webinar, offered to help protect kids from sexual abuse. You can view the video recording or the presentation and questions answered from the live webinar, plus find links to the resources we referenced on the webinar page. (61 min)
Appearance Bullying: How to protect yourself and your loved ones
Over 100 people attended our webinar, offered to help protect people with rare diseases from bullying. You can view the video recording or the presentation and questions answered from the live webinar, plus find links to the resources we referenced on the webinar page. (67 min)
Parents: Advice to Prevent Sexual Abuse at Summer Rec and Camp Programs
Most camp counselors and recreation leaders are wonderful people who are completely dedicated to the well being of the children in their care. Unfortunately, a very few have bad intentions and can cause tremendous harm. To help keep your kids safe when they are away from you, we encourage you to take a few minutes to watch this Kidpower parent-education video with advice for how to evaluate the programs before sending your children and teaching kids self-protection skills.
Protecting Youth Athletes from Sexual Abuse - Video Series
Kidpower has been working with Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) since 2011 to develop resources specifically to address the problems of sexual abuse in youth sports by developing recommended policies and procedures, and producing videos that can be used to help educate coaches, parents and youth sports leaders on HOW to keep young people safe from sexual abuse.
7 Kidpower Strategies for Keeping Your Child Safe - Video Series
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Dr. Harold Johnson, Emeritus Professor of Education, has been a passionate advocate for the well-being of children with disabilities for many years and is deeply committed to making knowledge about how to protect children of all abilities from bullying, violence, and abuse as widely accessible as possible. He has led the production of the following short videos, interviewing Kidpower founder and executive director, Irene van der Zande, to describe each of Kidpower’s 7 strategies for keeping children safe and how to apply these concepts to your daily life.
Kidpower Videos for Children With Their Adults
Ellen Presents: Awareness Power
Ellen Frankel of Kidpower California shares Awareness Power. Awareness Power, a part of our Kidpower Safety Signals, provides a quick, easy-to-remember gesture with simple words and graphics that can be practiced with even young children within a few minutes – and also can be a useful tool to help adults remember to use these skills.
Ellen Presents: Check First
Ellen Frankel of Kidpower California shares how to Check First. Check First Power, a part of our Kidpower Safety Signals, provides a quick, easy-to-remember gesture with simple words and graphics that can be practiced with even young children within a few minutes – and also can be a useful tool to help adults remember to use these skills.
PuppetPower: Kidpower with Maree Video Series
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Maree, Turtle and Kidpower Kiwi are delighted to teach children and their adults some socio-emotional skills that can make their lives safer and more fun.
Busy adults: When to wait and when to interrupt
Do your kids interrupt when you are trying to work at home? It’s difficult for our littlest ones to understand when to wait and when to interrupt. Remember that everyone being at home so much is new for us and for them! In this “Kidpower Safety Snippet”, our Program Director Angela Hamilton gives a Kidpower lesson in less than 4 minutes that may help!
Dealing with hurtful words
In stressful situations, people sometimes get irritable and say hurting words to each other. Kids need skills to protect their feelings. Our Senior Instructor Annie Kurtz, with a Kidpower student and puppet friends, teaches one of our most popular techniques used worldwide, “The Trash Can”. While great for kids, adults can use it too as a useful metaphor.
Kiona Presents Kidpower's Calm Down Power
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Kiona Medina presents Calm Down Power from the Kidpower Safety Signals.
Kiona Presents The Kidpower Trash Can for Kids
Kiona Medina presents The Trash Can for kids from the Kidpower Safety Signals.
Marylaine Presents Heart Power for Kids
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>> Cliquez ici pour regarder cette vidéo
Marylaine Léger, Montreal, Quebec Center Director and Kidpower Trainer, presents Kidpower Safety Minutes™ about Heart Power for kids of all ages. This power helps us to remember to take in kind words into our hearts, to protect our hearts, as well use to use our heart to be kind to others.
Puppet Power Video Series
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These short informal Puppet Power videos show show how important safety skills can be taught in a lighthearted way to young children. Watch them together and then make up your own role plays with dolls and puppets to give your child practice in the skills shown. For older kids and even adults, you can demonstrate the same concepts with forks, spoons, salt shakers, pencils, or any object at hand.
Videos About Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Programs
One Million Safer Kids
Our inspiring five-minute One Million Safer Kids video shows Kidpower in action — including children and parents practicing skills and the story of how Kidpower got started. Since 1989, Kidpower has helped to protect more than 4 million young people from bullying, violence, and abuse – and to prepare them to develop positive relationships that enrich their lives. We hope to boost that number rapidly through our One Million Safer Kids initiative.
Why Kidpower? Because Everyone Deserves to Be Safe!
This inspiring 2-minute video gives a vivid picture of the skills we teach and the diversity of the people we serve.
What happens in a Teenpower workshop?
What happens in a Teenpower workshop? Take 30 seconds to see for yourself! Take charge of your safety and the safety of others with Kidpower, Teenpower, and Fullpower skills through our workshops and educational resources.
Kidpower Introductory Video
This video is from early on in Kidpower’s history – yet it still provides a great introduction to Kidpower’s core programs and mission. Kidpower has now reached more than 4 million children, teenagers, and adults, including people with special needs, from many different cultures around the world. Hope you enjoy it!
Empowering adults to empower kids
Kidpower: Empowering adults to empower kids! Listen to four Kidpower instructors talk about their involvement with Kidpower.
Kidpower for People with Vision Loss
Loss of vision or other ability should not mean a loss of safety! Hear people with disabilities share about their Kidpower workshop experience.
How Kidpower Started
Take two minutes to learn what Kidpower does, who we serve, and how Kidpower started from Kidpower Founder and Executive Director Irene van der Zande.
Testimonial: 'Why Tenderloin Safe Passage Loves Kidpower!'
Staff leaders at Tenderloin Safe Passage, in San Francisco share why they love Kidpower. Our partnership began in 2012, and Kidpower has been foundational to the development of their program to develop best practices for their program that helps kids and seniors be safe and feel safe in the Tenderloin community in downtown San Francisco.
Community Videos About Kidpower: Teens, Special Needs, News
Irene Talks About Bullying on ABC News, View From the Bay
Irene van der Zande, Kidpower’s Founder and Executive Director, talking about Bullying prevention on the ABC News show, View from the Bay.
Kidpower Child Abuse Prevention on KKTV Colorado News
Colorado News Station KKTV story about recent abuse cases, highlighting the effectiveness and importance of boundary setting skills taught in Kidpower workshops.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Kidpower
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You can watch this video with your kids! “Captain Kidpower” comes to Rudolph’s aid in this adorable and poignant holiday play, written by elementary school special education teacher Marcy Mock, and performed by her class.
Kidpower Safety Signals: Safety Plans for Going Out
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Through a collaboration with Hope Developmental Services, these videos show how to practice six skills in Kidpower’s “Safety Plan for Going Out” — Stay Aware, Stay Together, Check First, Think First, Move Away and Get Help. These videos show people with Autism and other learning challenges practicing the Kidpower Safety Signals and role plays for going out in the community.
"Walk in Another’s Shoes" - Teens Speak Out About Bullying!
This moving, 5-minute video was created by the Teen Advisory Board of Kidpower of Colorado Springs to inspire all teens and adults to take action. Seeing the faces and hearing the voices of these exceptional young people stating what bullying is and the impact it has had on their lives is tremendously powerful.
Kidpower Videos auf Deutsch
Kidpower Stopp Power - Kidpower Fertigkeit, um eine ungewollte Berührung zu stoppen
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Berührungen im Spiel, zum Spaß und in der Liebe sind immer freiwillig und eine Wahl für beide Personen. Ein deutliches Stopp-Zeichen durch eine klare Körpersprache und mit einer selbstbewussten Stimme gesagt, kann eine ungewollte Berührung stoppen.
In den Kidpower-Workshops nutzen wir Handpuppen, um Kinder wichtige Sicherheitskonzepte und Fertigkeiten zu zeigen.
Vidéos Kidpower en Français
Marylaine présente : Le Pouvoir du Cœur
>>Cliquez ici pour regarder cette vidéo.
>> Click to watch this video in English.
Marylaine Léger, directrice du Centre de Montréal au Québec et Formatrice Kidpower, présente les Minutes de sécurité Kidpower™ sur « Le Pouvoir du Cœur » à un public d’enfants de tous âges. Ce pouvoir permet de se rappeler de prendre les mots gentils et les compliments dans son cœur, de protéger son cœur, ainsi que d’utiliser son cœur pour être aimable envers les autres.
Kidpower Videos in Arabic
Kidpower Child Protection & Girlpower Relationship Safety Skills
Created by our Kidpower Lebanon Center Director Zeina Hobeiche, this inspiring video shows social workers from the Child Protection Network in Lebanon practicing safety skills and discussing the positive impact on the vulnerable children and young women they serve.
Kidpower Emotional Safety Techniques
Kidpower Emotional Safety techniques help to reduce stress and to empower people at risk of, interpersonal violence to prevent or stop future assault.
Adjust Your Emotional Distance
This video teaches children about boundaries. Understanding the boundaries surrounding their bodies will not only become an important part of their social interactions but will also help to keep them safe.
The Kidpower Trash Can
This video helps children to prevent being hurt by words and teasing. Healthy self-esteem is important to safety. Kids – and adults – who feel good about themselves and have close, positive relationships with others are less likely to become victims of abuse and bullying. At any age, hurting words and mean teasing can stay with us for a long time, eroding our sense of self-worth and confidence. Learning to protect our emotional safety can prevent a lot of misery and help kids further develop positive relationships.