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I want to share with you a heart-warming performance about how “Captain Kidpower” helped Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer be safe from bullying. This original play was written by a special education teacher, Marcy Mock, for her severe to moderately disabled students to perform at the holiday talent show for their elementary school. She created a script in English and Spanish, which is now available on our website to share with other teachers, along with a video of their delightful performance. Marcy uses our Kidpower Teaching Books every Friday in her classroom.
Rudolph was played by a girl with brown clothes, antlers, and a bright red light on her nose. Thanks to coaching from Captain Kidpower, embodied by a very dramatic boy in a cape, Rudolph learns how to protect herself when the other reindeer bully her by laughing at her, calling her names, and never letting her join their reindeer games.
Along with many other adults in the audience, I blinked away tears as the whole school watched these students remind everyone that bullying hurts. Each time Rudolph had a People Safety problem, Captain Kidpower charged onto the stage with a “Dun tah dun!” to come to the rescue! He showed Rudolph how to throw hurting words into her Trash Can, yell “Stop!” if someone tried to hurt her, walk away from trouble, and get help from her adult (in this case, Santa). And, when Santa was deciding which reindeers to choose to pull his sleigh, Rudolph stood tall, with amazing confidence, to show off her shiny red nose that would help guide his sleigh through the foggy night.
Rudolph – Part One
Rudolph – Part Two
We hope you enjoy the videos, photos and scripts! Feel free to use these in your classrooms and we hope you’ll send us photos and videos from your performances. Read and download the script in English and Spanish
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Solstice, and Season’s Greetings to All!
English Script
Narrator: Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived a reindeer called Rudolph. The North Pole was Rudolph’s home. Everyone in Rudolph’s town was busy getting ready for Christmas.
(enter Elves and Santa)
Scene 1
Narrator: The elves were busy making toys. Santa Claus was checking his list of boys and girls who were naughty or nice.
Scene 2
(enter Rudolph, have other reindeers ready)
Narrator: Rudolph was a unique reindeer. He was different from all other reindeer. Rudolph had a red shiny nose that lite up.
(other reindeer come in)
Narrator: All of the other reindeer had small brown noses. Sometimes the other reindeers would laugh at Rudolph and call him names.
Reindeer 1: “Ha-ha! Look at Red Nose!”
Reindeer 2: “He looks funny! ”
Reindeer 3: “We don’t want to play with you because you are different!”
(enter Kidpower)
Kidpower: Done, da done—Kidpower!
Narrator: Kidpower teaches us that that we can throw away hurtful words. Lets all practice that.
This is how you do it. Put your hand on your hip. Lets pretend this is your trash can. Now take those hurtful words and throw them away.
(Kidpower exits)
Narrator: Rudolph, use your trash can when others say hurtful things.
Reindeer 1: “Ha-ha! Look at Red Nose!”
Narrator: Rudolph take those hurtful words and throw them away. It feels bad to take hurting words inside.
Reindeer 2: “He looks funny!”
Narrator: Rudolph take those hurtful words and throw them away. Tell yourself that your words are important.
Reindeer 3: “We don’t want to play with you because you are different!”
Narrator: Rudolph take those hurtful words and throw them away. Tell yourself “I am unique and special, I am proud of who I am!”
(enter Kidpower)
Narrator: Remember kids when someone says hurtful words to you. Make your trash can and throw them away. Your words are important.
Scene 3
(Rudolph and a bigger reindeer)
Narrator: Rudolph was walking home one day and a big reindeer came from behind him and pushed him. Rudolph was scared. What should Rudolph do????
(enter Kidpower)
Kidpower: Done, da, done—Kidpower!
Narrator: Kidpower teaches us that our words have power. When we are scared or surprised we can yell stop, and run to a grownup to get help.
(Kidpower exit)
(enter Santa Claus)
Narrator: Rudolph yell, “Stop” and run to Santa Claus for help. Santa Claus talks to the big reindeer and tells him it is not okay to push others.
(enter Kidpower)
Narrator: Remember, Kidpower teaches us that our words have power. When we are scared or surprised we can yell stop, and run to a grownup to get help.
Scene 4
(Rudolph is playing ball with another reindeer)
Narrator: Rudolph was playing ball with another reindeer. The other reindeer started to get mad, stomp his feet, and yell at him. The other reindeer was mean to Rudolph. What should Rudolph do???
(enter Kidpower)
Kidpower: Done, da, done—Kidpower!
Narrator: Kidpower teaches us the power of walking away.
(exit Kidpower)
(enter Rudolph’s Friend)
Narrator: Rudolph, when your friend is in a bad mood, you can walk away and ask other reindeers to play.
(enter Kidpower)
Narrator: Remember kids, if your friend is in a bad mood and they are mean to you, use your walk away power and find other children to play with.
(exit Kidpower)
Scene 5
(Rudolph, reindeers, Santa Claus, elves, sleigh)
Narrator: The elves were busy filling Santa’s sleigh one foggy Christmas Eve. Santa was ready to choose his team to pull his sleigh. All the reindeer were very excited. They stood up very tall. Santa called out “Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen, Comet, and Cupid and Donder and Blitzen.” Santa saved the last spot on his team for a very special reindeer. Santa called out, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. You will be my leader. Your bright, shiny nose will show us the way!” “Rudolph you are a great reindeer.” What should Rudolph do???
(enter Kidpower)
Kidpower: Done, da, done—Kidpower!
Kidpower teaches us that compliments are nice words. They do not belong in the trash can. We can take compliments into our hearts and say, “Thank you!”
(Exit Kidpower)
Narrator: Rudolph looked up at Santa Claus, and said, “Thank you.” Rudolph let Santa Claus’s nice compliments into his heart and it felt good.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years.
Espanol Script
Había una vez un reno llamado Rodolfo, que vivía en un lugar muy muy lejano. El polo Norte era la casa de Rodolfo. En el pueblo de Rodolfo, todos estaban muy ocupados para estar listos en la navidad.
Escena 1
Los duendes estaban muy ocupados haciendo juguetes. Santa Claus estaba revisando su lista a niños y niñas que se portaron bien y los que fueron muy traviesos.
Escena 2
(entra Rodolfo)
Rodolfo era un reno único. El era diferente entre todos los demás. Rodolfo tenía una nariz roja y brillante que se encendía.
(Llegan otros renos).
Todos los demás renos tenían una nariz café y pequeña. Algunas veces los otros renos se reían de Rodolfo y le decían sobre nombres.
“¡Ja Ja¡” “¡Miren a ese nariz roja!” “¡Que chistoso se mira!” ¡,No queremos jugar contigo porque eres diferente!”
(Entra niño poderoso)
Tan-ta-ran- Niño poderoso. Niño poderoso nos enseña que podemos tirar palabras que hieren nuestros sentimientos.
Vamos a practicarlo todas.
Así es como lo vas hacer. Pon tu mano en tu cadera. Pretende que es un bote de basura. Ahora agarra esas palabras hirientes y tiralas al bote de la basura.
Rodolfo usa sus bote de basura cuando otros le dicen palabras hirientes. “Ja- Ja “ Miren al nariz roja! Rodolfo agarra esas palabras hirientes y las tira. Se siente muy mal tomar y guardar palabras hirientes adentro de uno.
“! Se mira muy chistoso!”
Rodolfo toma esas palabras hirientes y las tira a la basura. Di a ti mismo que tus palabras son importantes. “! No queremos jugar contigo porque eres diferente ¡”
Rodolfo toma esas palabras hirientes y las tira. Di a ti mismo “! Yo soy único y especial, estoy orgulloso de quien soy!”
Recuerden niños, cuando alguien te dice palabras hirientes, haz tu bote de basura y tirabas allí. Tus palabras son importantes.
Escena 3
(Rodolfo y un Reno más grande)
Un día Rodolfo caminaba a su casa, cuando un reno grande vino por atrás y lo empujo. Rodolfo se asusto mucho. ¿Qué puede hacer Rodolfo??
(Entra niño poderoso)
Ta-ra-ra- Niño poderoso. Niño poderoso nos enseña que nuestras palabras tienen poder. Cuando estamos asustados o sorprendidos podemos gritar “para” y correr hacia un adulto y pedir ayuda.
(Entra Santa Claus)
Rodolfo grita, “Para” y corre hacia Santa Claus por ayuda. Santa Claus le habla al reno grande y le dice que no esta bien empujar a otros.
Recuerden niño poderoso nos enseña que nuestras palabras tienen poder. Cuando estamos asustados o sorprendidos podemos gritar para y correr hacia un adulto y pedir ayuda.
Escena 4
(Rodolfo esta jugando a la pelota con otro reno.)
Rodolfo estaba jugando a la pelota con otro reno. El otro reno empezó a enojarse, le gritaba y estampaba sus pies en el suelo. El otro reno era malo con Rodolfo. ¿Qué debe hacer Rodolfo?
(Entra-niño poderoso)
Ta-ra-ra- Niño poderoso. Niño poderoso nos enseña el poder de retirarse.
“Rodolfo, cuando tu amigo esta de mal humor, te puedes ir a otro lado y preguntar a otros renos que jueguen contigo.”
Recuerden niños, si tu amigo esta de mal humor y es malo contigo usa tu retiro poderoso y encuentra otros niños para jugar.
Escena 5
(Rodolfo, renos, Santa Claus, duendes y trineo)
En vísperas de Navidad los duendes estaban muy ocupados llenando de regalos el trineo de Santa. Santa estaba listo para escoger el equipo queiba a jalar su trineo. Todos los renos estaban muy entusiasmados. Ellos se paraban muy altos y derechos.
Santa los empezó a llamar: “Dasher, Bailarín, Prancer, y Vixen, Cometa, Cupido, Donder, y Blitzen.” Santa guardo el último lugar de su equipo para un reno muy especial. Santa lo llamo “Rodolfo el reno de la nariz-roja. Tú serás mi guía. Tu nariz, iluminada y brillante nos mostrara el camino!” “Rodolfo tu eres un gran reno.”
¿Qué deberá de hacer Rodolfo?
(Entra – Niño poderoso)
Ta-ra-ra- Niño poderoso, Niño poderoso nos enseña que los alagos son palabras amables. Estas palabras no perenecen al bote de basura. Podemos tomar los alagos dentro de nuestro corazón y decir “gracias.”
Rodolfo miro a Santa Claus, y dijo, “Gracias” Rodolfo guardo estos elogiaos en su corazón y se sintió muy bien.
¡Feliz Navidad y prospero ano nuevo!
For more information about Kidpower’s resources for teaching these People Safety Skills and concepts, please visit our online Library and our RelationSafe™ Bookstore.
Published: December 2, 2014 | Last Updated: June 10, 2016