Join Us! Keep Kids Safe with a Facebook FUNdraiser!
Join Kidpower allies and leaders around the world and show your network that you stand for SAFETY! It’s easy, fun, and we are happy to support you every step of the way. Take a look at the video below and email if you have any questions – we’ll get back to you within 2 days. Thank you!!

1. Set a goal of at least $1000 (it doesn’t matter to us or your friends if you hit that amount)
2. Set your end date 3 weeks out so you have time to fundraise.
3. Invite Every Facebook Friend – You will be tempted to skip this step because its time consuming or because you don’t want to bother certain people…but please don’t. This step is vital to every other step and is based on data!
4. Post something regularly (inside your fundraiser URL/page, not your wall) asking for money toward your goal (like once a day)
5. Thank every donor!! They will get a tax receipt from Facebook.
Set up your fundraiser now – no time like the present!
For more in-depth tips on how to run these fundraisers, head here.
Sean Kosofsky is a lifelong fundraiser and Facebook Fundraiser Expert. Learn more about his work at
Have any questions? Need any help? Contact us at