First, make the Kidpower Put Safety First Commitment:

Available as a downloadable poster!
I WILL put the safety and well-being of young people ahead of anyone’s embarrassment, inconvenience, or offense!
Teens and young adults can also be encouraged to make this commitment for their own well being!
We know that a commitment like this might be easy to agree to in principle, AND can be hard to uphold in real life. For example, in our Kidpower workshops for parents and teachers, we often ask, “How many of YOU hate to be embarrassed or prefer not to embarrass other people most of the time?” Most of our students raise their hands.
Next, we ask, “How many of you don’t want to be bothered when you are busy – or often feel uncomfortable interrupting other busy people?” Again, most hands go up.
Then, we continue, “How many of you don’t like feeling angry at someone or don’t want other people to be mad at you?” Once again, almost all the hands in the room go up.
Finally we ask, “Now, how many of you think that the children and teens in your life feel the same way?” Parents and teachers look around the room to see everyone’s hands raised as we say, “While it is true that a young person’s safety and well-being are more important than embarrassment, inconvenience, or offense, we need to be realistic that these are powerful feelings that can make it hard to Put Safety First.”
We hope that all caring adults will decide to make the Kidpower Put Safety First Commitment not only for young people, but for ourselves and everyone important to us. With this commitment, we will be better prepared to overcome discomfort so we can take positive action to promote and protect emotional and physical safety at home, at work, at school, in our places of workshop, during sporting and recreational activities, and in our communities.

Available for download as a poster.
Print both the Kidpower Put Safety First Commitment 8.5″ x 11″ poster (above) and the Kidpower Commit To Put Safety First For Yourself Poster (left) and post these somewhere that will inspire you and other adults who care for and work with young people — hang one or both up in your kitchen, playroom, classroom, break room, office, reception area — and let us know how they works for you!
Next, for all children and teens you are in a position to help, make and discuss the Kidpower Protection Promise.
Also, please suggest other important child protection resources and potential partners – and help us spread the word widely through your personal and professional networks.