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Thanks to the heart-warming stories shared by many of our readers and supporters, Kidpower has been awarded a top-rated listing for 2012 by Great Nonprofits.

Each of these testimonials motivate and inspire our instructors, board members, and volunteers – and help us to tell our story to people who are just learning about our organization. Here are a few examples both from reviewers who have taken workshops and those who know us mainly through our educational resources.

I love this organization – at last, a rational, research based, clearly explained plan. Kidpower doesn’t just say platitudes. Kidpower gives specific concrete actions to take, and insists that we practice. Kidpower is very loving while they guide us to a new mindset – one that helps us feel empowered, free to put our own safety first (at last! who knew it would feel sooo radical, to put my and my daughter’s safety first?). When I am asked for advice about safety and bullying, I always refer people to Kidpower, because they translate their deep care for every human being into easy, fun, practicable action.

The first Kidpower workshop I ever attended taught me more about parenting than any book I’ve ever read on the subject. I finally had useful language to use while trying to teach my son about how to behave in the world and keep himself safe! With the skills he and I have learned from Kidpower, I am confident about our journey through childhood. I look forward to attending more workshops as he enters adolescence so that I can help him better navigate that difficult period. I believe so deeply in what Kidpower is teaching that I have become a regular donor, and I have organized Kidpower workshops for parents in two of my son’s schools in our home town. I think EVERYONE should have a chance to hear what they have to say. Even if you have parenting down to a science, I truly believe you can still learn from them.

“We love Kidpower! I teach at Sun Dragon Martial Arts and Self Defense in Austin, Texas, and we use many of the Kidpower resources. They have a great newsletter with lots of free articles, and I would highly recommend their books to any teacher, parent, or other adult who wants to be able to talk with kids about safety in a way that is fun and not at all scary.”

“Kidpower helped me by articulating safety rules for common situations they might encounter. As parents, my husband and I were worried about the unknown dangers, your imagination can go a little overboard when you are sending your precious child some where without you for the first time. Kidpower helped us to realize what the true dangers are and also to prepare for situations that we may not have thought about.” 

“My teen with LD and I traveled up to SF on a week night from Silicon Valley to attend the program, and it was worth it. I came away recommending the program to my child’s school principal to incorporate in their guest speaker programs yearly! This session was oriented towards teens with disabilities, and it was excellent- took the information at an appropriate pace, and was fun and interactive for all. Thank you, Kidpower!”

“My name is Olguța Iordache, and I am writing from Romania. I noticed Kidpower when I was searching for books and articles about safety and prevention of violence. I wrote to Irene van der Zande, and I was pleasantly surprised when she answered me right back. I support Irene’s work to educate people about prevention of violence and people safety.” (Olguta is translating some of our articles into Romanian!)

If you want to read more reviews or feel inspired to write one at any time, please visit the Kidpower page on

Kidpower Founder and Executive Irene van der Zande is a master at teaching safety through stories and practices and at inspiring others to do the same. Her child protection and personal safety expertise has been featured by USA Today, CNN, Today Moms, the LA Times, and The Wall Street Journal. Publications include: cartoon-illustrated Kidpower Safety Comics and Kidpower Teaching Books curriculum; Bullying: What Adults Need to Know and Do to Keep Kids Safe; the Relationship Safety Skills Handbook for Teens and Adults; Earliest Teachable Moment: Personal Safety for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers; The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People, and the Amazon Best Seller Doing Right by Our Kids: Protecting Child Safety at All Levels.