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Join us in celebrating the upcoming release of our new book that Dan Heath, NYT best-selling author, calls “a field guide for practicing courage”! Earn a Special Bonus when you buy Doing Right by Our Kids on Wed., Sept. 26th on Amazon to help us gain best seller status!
You might say that our new book, Doing Right by Our Kids – Protecting Child Safety at All Levels, is the culmination of a 30 years journey that began when I was a young mother looking at my precious children and longing with all my heart, “Oh how I wish that I could give you a better world to live in!” I am so grateful that Kidpower became my path in working towards that goal along with many wonderful people who share my passion for youth safety and empowerment.
Indeed, the safety of kids is truly everybody’s business – and, together, by using and sharing the tools described in this book, we can give our children a better world to live in.
I have been moved and honored by the tremendous response to this newest resource from people all over the world and from all walks of life that have received author review copies of the book and shared their heartfelt feedback.
Here are some of the inspiring reviews people have given on Amazon:
The heart of child protection
“This positive, hopeful book is the heart of child protection in every conceivable way… This book… gives practical skills to the reader whether you are a parent, educator, coach, clergy member or anyone who cares about kids. I read it in one sitting and with a highlighter! …It starts with us. We can make a difference.” – Jan
Incredible child safety and advocacy resource
“Doing Right by Our Kids not only presents concise, usable information and education on safety skills for kids, but presents an action plan to help implement the skills.…The information presented will help parents work with their children on essential age appropriate safety skills as well as help parents advocate with schools, sports teams, and other caring adults to keep their kids safe… The action plans at the end of the chapters are so helpful to review what is covered in each chapter and how I can put the skills to use right away.” – Abby Bleistein, Pediatrician
Gratitude for this amazing book
“As an anxious person and an anxious parent…it was breath-taking to realize that all the skills I desperately want my kids to know can be taught in ways that promote confidence and joy instead of fear. I am incredibly grateful that this book came into my life. This book takes parents from preschool to college, expertly pointing out that not only parents, but teachers, coaches, counselors and other adult leaders have endless opportunities to advocate for and promote the safety of young people. What a different world it would be if everyone read this book and followed the guidelines and examples! If you care about children, you MUST read this book!” – ELF
Positive Stories & Strategies to Understand, Prevent & Respond to Abuse
“The authors use stories, current events and professional resources to ground the use of “Safety Skills” in the day-to-day lives of individuals, both with and without exceptionalities, in home, school, and community settings.… Additionally, both parents and professionals are provided guidance regarding how to recognize and use trauma informed practices to effectively respond to children who may have experienced abuse.… The emphasis of this text is upon the positive, while recognizing that we live in a far from perfect world, a world in which child abuse is a reality that we must all be prepared to recognize, report, prevent and respond.” – Harold A. Johnson, Ed.D., Emeritus Professor/Kent State University
Please join us! Help our book to earn Amazon bestseller status on September 26, and you will help Kidpower, while also providing valuable information to others at the same time. We are giving a special bonus package worth $375 to anyone who sends us a receipt, dated September 26, 2018, from Amazon showing purchase of Doing Right by Our Kids in print or Kindle.
And please – share this information on your social media feeds. This book is written to help the children and teens around the world. Please take a moment to let others know, and in doing so, you will help other people take charge of their safety.
Published: September 25, 2018 | Last Updated: September 25, 2018