by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jun 14, 2018
This weekend will be my first Father’s Day since my father Raim died in January at age 94. As I sat with him in the peaceful coma of his last days, I could feel his encouragement to tell my truth about our complicated, difficult, conflicted, and deeply loving relationship in the hopes that the lessons […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jan 22, 2018
Many of the lessons and values we teach in Kidpower are thanks to my father, Raim Regelson and mother Lily Regelson. For this reason, I thought you would appreciate this tribute to Raim and a little about his last days, which I was fortunate enough to share and during which he taught me even more lessons. He was enormously proud of Kidpower and took a great deal of joy in coming to our conferences.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Oct 30, 2015
At Kidpower, we teach that Heart Power can be used to take kindness into your heart, protect your heart from harmful messages, and use your heart to connect with and be compassionate towards others. Here’s how Heart Power helped my elderly mother to heal her emotional heart and united our family and friends to overcome many obstacles to bring her home.