by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jun 30, 2014
Dr. Harold Johnson, Emeritus Professor of Education, conducts a series of short video interviews with Kidpower Founder Irene van der Zande, who describes each of Kidpower’s 7 strategies for keeping children safe and how to apply these concepts to your daily life.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Apr 26, 2014
What does it take to protect child entertainers from abuse? Many of us enjoy seeing child entertainers, and many of them love the work they do. But, if their success comes at the cost of abuse by someone in power, the price is too high.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Apr 9, 2014
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month in the US and some other parts of the world. We cannot take away the tremendous harm done by abuse in the past. We can and must do our best to protect the kids of today and tomorrow – and to help everyone who has suffered abuse as a child to find healing and hope.
Here are seven ways to take positive action.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jul 12, 2012
Bullying Prevention Expert and Kidpower Leader, Irene van der Zande, calls for adults to turn anxiety into positive action to stop bullying. Here are five practical and positive actions adults can start immediately to turn the tide of bullying and help create schools, neighborhoods and communities of caring, respect and safety for all of their members.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jun 17, 2010
This recent Education Week News commentary describes the tremendous under-reporting of levels of school violence in the US. My guess is that this might be true in other countries as well.