Jerry Sandusky: Betrayer of Children’s Love and Trust – 5 Ways To Protect Kids
Here are five steps Kidpower recommends to protect children from being betrayed by someone they love and trust.
Here are five steps Kidpower recommends to protect children from being betrayed by someone they love and trust.
In the wake of shocking child abuse scandals, parents are left wondering, “What do I need to look out for? How can I protect my kids? What can I teach them about protecting themselves?” Kidpower provides four strategies that will help you keep your children safe.
The Penn State Football child abuse case is a classic story of someone misusing his position of trust and power to abuse and coerce kids and of adults in responsible positions not taking action to stop him. The knowledge and skills we teach in Kidpower could have helped to protect these vulnerable boys from harm – and could have caused the abuse to have been discovered and stopped much, much sooner.