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In challenging times, it is more important than ever to know how EACH of us has the power to take leadership to promote greater safety and wellbeing for the people in our lives – and to support others in doing the same.

I am excited to share with you our new online Safety Leadership Initiative resource – 30 vivid, compelling messages that show core safety actions anyone can take.

Safety Leaders worldwide are using these messages to inspire people of all ages, abilities, and walks of life how to take charge of safety for themselves and others.

This resource is now available FREE thanks to our donors – and available not just in English but also in Bangla, French, German, Nepali, Persian, and Spanish thanks to our translation volunteers!

The Kidpower Safety Leadership Initiative resource includes:

  • free downloads of each of the above messages
  • easy sharing through your social media, text, and email
  • inspiring examples of how taking these actions works in real life
  • ways to discuss these core safety actions with your family, class, youth group, colleagues, and community

We are excited to see what YOU – on your own or with your family, friends, or community – create with this new resource, so do not hesitate to share updates or reach out with questions and ideas!

Our goal is to work together to create cultures of safety, respect, and kindness with and for everyone, everywhere. Remember – even in very difficult situations, small positive steps can truly help to make things better.


Copyright © 2023 - present. All rights reserved.

Published: November 8, 2023   |   Last Updated: November 8, 2023

Kidpower Founder and Executive Irene van der Zande is a master at teaching safety through stories and practices and at inspiring others to do the same. Her child protection and personal safety expertise has been featured by USA Today, CNN, Today Moms, the LA Times, and The Wall Street Journal. Publications include: cartoon-illustrated Kidpower Safety Comics and Kidpower Teaching Books curriculum; Bullying: What Adults Need to Know and Do to Keep Kids Safe; the Relationship Safety Skills Handbook for Teens and Adults; Earliest Teachable Moment: Personal Safety for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers; The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People, and the Amazon Best Seller Doing Right by Our Kids: Protecting Child Safety at All Levels.