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Kidpower International BlogStay up to date with our most recent news and resources!

Free resources to keep kids safe 4 important steps to protect and empower young people

In today’s troubled times, more than ever, all children need to know that they can turn to and trust an adult for help. As part of September’s Child Protection Advocacy Month, Kidpower International is sharing four important steps plus free resources that can make a lasting difference in a child’s life and help to transform the fear of bullying, violence, and abuse into a future of lifelong safety and success for today’s youth.

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What Does a Child Abuser Look Like?

Once a friend asked me, ” What does a child abuser look like?”
“I wish I had an easy answer to that question,” I said. …

As adults, we need to be prepared to stay connected with our children and know who the people responsible for their safety are and what they are doing. We must ask questions and speak up anytime we have a concern, regardless of discomfort or worries we might have.

Without going into the details about sexual abuse, here is what our kids need to know:

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Seven Positive Actions To Honor Child Abuse Prevention Month

Let’s honor Child Abuse Prevention Month this April by protecting our kids from harm – and preparing them with knowledge and skills for taking charge of their own safety. Sadly, we cannot take away the suffering caused by abuse in the past. We can and must do our best to protect the kids of today and tomorrow – and to help everyone who has survived abuse as a child to find healing and hope.
Here are seven child abuse prevention actions each of us can take this month that will make a difference.

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How To Protect Kids With Extra Weight From Bullying With Pediatrician and Kidpower Board Member Abby Bleistein, MD

Kids and adults alike often suffer from name-calling, taunting, rude gestures, pranks, and other cruel behavior because of their weight. This handout and audio recording thanks to Healthful Life MD Abby Bleistein provide resources for health care providers and other caring adults who want to provide support and skills for young people who face much higher risks of being bullied about their weight.

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