Stay up to date with our most recent news and resources!
Kidpower’s most recent news and resources!
Stay up to date with our most recent news and resources!
Free Emotional Safety Skills Webinar with Live Demos TODAY noon and 6 pm Pacific time
Yesterday, I was very moved to hear that María Gisella Gámez, Director of Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Argentina, is teaching our emotional safety skills in...
Fullpower Advocacy Skills Webinar Recording and Resources
The tremendous response we have had to our Fullpower Webinar Series shows how the emotional safety, boundary-setting, advocacy, and conflict...
Fullpower Boundary Skills Webinar Recording and Resources
The tremendous response we have had to our Fullpower Webinar Series shows how the emotional safety, boundary-setting, advocacy, and conflict...
Fullpower Emotional Safety Webinar Recording and Resources
The tremendous response we have had to our Fullpower Webinar Series shows how the emotional safety, boundary-setting, advocacy, and conflict...
Stay Calm & Take Charge! Kidpower Safety Workshops are available ONLINE During the COVID-19 Outbreak
For over 30 years, Kidpower has been teaching people of all ages and abilities worldwide how to stay calm and take charge of their safety. My thanks to so many of you who have let us...
How are you doing? How can we help?
I hope that this message finds each and every one of you healthy and safe in mind, body, and spirit. In this intense time with all of our lives disrupted, I am asking...
Be Counted for Safety in the U.S. Census
Many of the people Kidpower serves live in the U.S., and we are speaking up today about a safety problem U.S. residents have a limited window of time to help prevent....
Prepare, Don’t Panic How Kidpower is Using Our "Illness Prevention" Powers!
This message is to tell you about preparations and adjustments we are doing ourselves at Kidpower centers and locations around the world; and to share how we are using our “Illness Prevention Power” — applying the skills and values we teach to deal with the fears of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and to take effective action.
You’re Invited! 2020 Summer Child Protection Institute Registration is OPEN for Kidpower's 8th Annual Institute - August 3-6, 2020
Kidpower’s Child Protection Institute Registration is Open – Please join us August 3-6, 2020, in Albany, California (near Berkeley and San Francisco) – for this special opportunity to benefit from Kidpower’s 31 years of protecting and empowering young people.
Learn to Empower Teens & Adults to Take Charge of Their Safety! Apply Now for Our April 2020 Teen/Fullpower Instructor Certification & Core Skills Training
Did You Know Kidpower Isn’t Just for Kids? The news is full of stories of teens and adults suffering trauma that we know can be avoided and stopped most of the time with the skills and strategies we teach in our Teenpower and Fullpower programs! These skills also help students to develop safe and strong relationships that add joy and meaning to their lives.
YOU CAN BRING Kidpower’s teen and adult programs to middle and high schools, senior centers, life-skills programs for people with disabilities, workplaces, and out into your communities. Apply Now for our bi-annual Teenpower/Fullpower Instructor Certification and Core Skills Training (CST) in Santa Cruz, CA, April 23-28, 2020. Don’t delay – the next training is in 2022!
MY Word for 2020 is LOVE: What’s YOURS?
Happy Valentine’s Day! MY Word for 2020 – or maybe even for this whole decade – is LOVE! Because LOVE is what gives me joy in the good times and courage in the hard times, and is where all my power comes from.
It’s Throwback Thursday! See How Our Kidpower Safety Tips Have GROWN!
For "Throwback Thursday" we thought you might enjoy this photo of our founder, Irene, demonstrating how to practice setting healthy boundaries...
Free special online event with Kidpower and other experts!
We’re sharing Kidpower skills at the online Whole Wellness Mama's Summit, along with others sharing their expertise, and it’s FREE - we hope you’ll check it out! Registering with the link above will give you free access to recordings of ALL the interviews that make up...
Robert Holgate’s Pridepower Story From Fear and Isolation to Empowerment and Helping Others
Watch Robert’s inspiring story about his journey from a hard childhood to belonging, love, and success. I think you will enjoy the heartwarming story of how our Pridepower Safety Skills Online Course came into being – told through the following words from Ellen Frankel…
Hot fudge sundaes & other self-care remedies!
When my grandma used to buy me new clothes, she would always say, “Wear it in good health!” I would give her a hug and say, “Thank you, Grandma!” Then Grandma would warn me, “Please just take care of yourself, Irene Honey!” I’d smile tolerantly and promise, “Don’t...