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Kidpower’s most recent news and resources!
Stay up to date with our most recent news and resources!
Struggling with overwhelm? … We are here to help!
If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone! I hope that this short video will give you some ideas about how Kidpower can help! A one minute message from Irene Hundreds of people email...
Online Privacy: New ‘Kidpower Shorts’ episode
Take a look at Avery's newest Kidpower Shorts episode Online Privacy. We are delighted with the rave reviews, such as this one: "Thank you for your awesome videos, Avery!...
Digital Citizenship: New Avery ‘Kidpower Shorts’ supercool video!
I am delighted to share a new 'Kidpower Shorts' video on Digital Citizenship by Avery Holmes, who describes himself as a "Kidpower native". Avery's distinctive style,...
September Kidpower Champions Corner: Our Online Institute Was a HUGE Success!
Welcome to the September 2020 Kidpower Champions Corner, our monthly way to share upbeat stories, useful information and exciting updates. An extra special THANK YOU! Community...
New Workshops Open for Enrollment – Scholarships Available for Some!
Visit our Learn Online page to see three types of new workshops open for enrollment! 1. PARENTPOWER PROGRAMS You'll find three Parentpower Programs, each focused on one of three topics:...
Avery’s ‘Kidpower Shorts’ supercool video: Awareness!
I've known Avery Holmes, who describes himself as a "Kidpower native", since he was born! When Avery, who is now studying Zoology at the University of Glasgow, approached me with an...
New PARENTPOWER Online Programs Bullying Prevention, Abuse Prevention, Safety in Public During the Pandemic
We are pleased to offer the following three programs for parents, guardians, educators, and other caring adults. Although there is a fee, we can provide partial scholarships...
Agree to Disagree! Letting Go of the Need to Be “Right”
“Stop! You are doing that wrong!” “No, I’m NOT. I always do it THIS way!” “As usual, you're being completely disorganized and illogical!” “Typical! You're being completely rigid and...
Kidpower ‘Eyes of Love’ Success Story
Our Kidpower 'Eyes of Love' Safety Power helps us remember to look at the people important to us with compassion instead of with annoyance or anger - which is especially...
Protecting Asian Americans From Identity-Based Attacks During the Pandemic
Identity-based attacks are happening all too often, causing suffering for countless people. In addition to being part of the...
Tratemos de ponernos en el lugar del otro
Tenía 19 años y estudiaba en la UCLA cuando Martin Luther King, Jr. fue asesinado. Nunca olvidaré aquel hombre que pasó llorando y corriendo de aula en aula, anunciando la horrible noticia y cómo todos nosotros -…
Try to Walk in Each Other’s Shoes
English | Español I was a 19-year-old junior at UCLA when Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot. I will never forget the crying young man who ran from classroom to classroom to...
When People We Love Do Things We HATE! Keeping the Peace During Family Gatherings
English | EspañolWhen I was a young adult home for the holidays, my father used to call MY friends, "dirty hippies," and then I would call HIS friends, "fascist pigs."As you can...
Inspire connection & leadership with our new safety resource!
In challenging times, it is more important than ever to know how EACH of us has the power to take leadership to promote greater safety and wellbeing for the people in our lives - and to support...
Halloween safety tips for all ages & abilities! Hauntingly good strategies for the spooky season
In communities celebrating Halloween, it's not just kids who enjoy it!Lots of adults and teens as well as kids enjoy the treats, costumes, special gatherings, and scary stories that come with...