Stay up to date with our most recent news and resources!
Kidpower’s most recent news and resources!
Stay up to date with our most recent news and resources!
There’s still time! All gifts doubled until midnight
As #GivingTuesday winds down, if you have not done so already, there’s still time for you to make a donation to Kidpower International that will be doubled by a match from two generous donors in our Leadership Circle. If you have already made a donation, THANK YOU SO...
Raccoon Pops In for #GivingTuesday All gifts matched til midnight!
Just for fun, I hope you will take 45 seconds to enjoy my friend Raccoon popping in to help Kidpower celebrate #GivingTuesday today. All gifts to Kidpower International...
My greatest fear almost happened in my front yard …
Practicing what to say and do with our bodies helps our minds remember to use these skills in an emergency. In the following success story, teaching and practicing safety...
What if the danger is from a fire, not a person?
People usually think about using the safety skills we teach to stop danger from a stranger or abusive person. But they can go way beyond that. Read on to discover how...
Thanksgiving Video Message From Our Heart to Yours!
This Thanksgiving, I want to share this short video message of gratitude - from our heart to yours. There are so many things Kidpower has to be thankful for this year, and that...
When everything shut down, we stepped up!
March 2020… The world largely shut down trying to halt the pandemic. But Kidpower couldn’t shut down. The demand for our services surged from: People in close...
Struggling with overwhelm? … We are here to help!
If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone! I hope that this short video will give you some ideas about how Kidpower can help! A one minute message from Irene Hundreds of people email...
Online Privacy: New ‘Kidpower Shorts’ episode
Take a look at Avery's newest Kidpower Shorts episode Online Privacy. We are delighted with the rave reviews, such as this one: "Thank you for your awesome videos, Avery!...
Digital Citizenship: New Avery ‘Kidpower Shorts’ supercool video!
I am delighted to share a new 'Kidpower Shorts' video on Digital Citizenship by Avery Holmes, who describes himself as a "Kidpower native". Avery's distinctive style,...
September Kidpower Champions Corner: Our Online Institute Was a HUGE Success!
Welcome to the September 2020 Kidpower Champions Corner, our monthly way to share upbeat stories, useful information and exciting updates. An extra special THANK YOU! Community...
New Workshops Open for Enrollment – Scholarships Available for Some!
Visit our Learn Online page to see three types of new workshops open for enrollment! 1. PARENTPOWER PROGRAMS You'll find three Parentpower Programs, each focused on one of three topics:...
Avery’s ‘Kidpower Shorts’ supercool video: Awareness!
I've known Avery Holmes, who describes himself as a "Kidpower native", since he was born! When Avery, who is now studying Zoology at the University of Glasgow, approached me with an...
When We Are Our Own Worst Enemy! How our primitive brains get in the way of our self-care
Have you ever felt frustrated because you have trouble making changes that you know will be in your best interest? I know I have.Instead of blaming ourselves, we can learn why making even...
“HELP! My pre-teen wants to go out in skimpy clothes!” Boundary tips for parents & guardians
NOTE: We are glad that many parents told us how helpful the following article is in knowing what to say to their children. We also appreciate people who spoke up and said that something needs...
Trauma, ACEs, & Toxic Stress: Tools for Prevention & Healing New mental health resources using Kidpower skills and strategies
Our new Mental Health page provides tools for mental health professionals, educators, and parents - and a special new resource for teens and young adults.On this page, you will find a joyful video with Licensed Clinical Social Worker John Luna-Sparks, where he...