Irene’s “Bathtub Office” in New York
Last week, I spent some unexpected extra time in Manhattan thanks to Super Storm Sandy. I was visiting my son for the weekend before the storm and due to fly out on the Monday afternoon that it arrived.
The only place I could get Internet access was on the window ledge over the bathtub of my son’s apartment, I thought you’d enjoy this photo of my impromptu office.
It was eerie to have such beautiful weather and be among so many people bracing for the storm to hit, standing in long lines to stock up on supplies, telling everyone and being told to, “Stay Safe!”
Although he is a very competent adult, I was happy to be with my son instead of worrying about him from 3,000 miles away. We founds ourselves making safety plans together for how to handle different kinds of emergencies just in case.
The devastation caused by the storm left me sad for those whose lives will never be the same. This experience was a powerful reminder to cherish everyone dear to us, to work together to to prevent and prepare for emergencies, and, of course, to help those in need when disaster strikes.
A few other news items:
- Don’t forget that November 15th is the deadline to apply for our 2013 instructor training program, which will be in Santa Cruz this January. Please make sure to contact us right away if you are interested.
- The new Kidpower Book for Caring Adults is featured in the current issue of Black Belt Magazine in the Essential Gears section. Check it out on the news stands.
- I loved this heartwarming story about high school football players protecting a girl with special needsfrom bullying by including her and setting a great example. Whatever happens on the playing field,these boys are stars in making a profound difference!
- If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to give Kidpower a review on GreatNonprofits as this will help us in letting people know about our organization. We need a few more new reviews to qualify for a top-rating for 2012.