You know Kidpower helps people be safe from harm – but did you know our skills can help people make amends when they cause harm, too?

A woman from an online Safetypowers workshop for adults with intellectual disabilities reached out to say:

“I got upset and said mean things to my friends. I felt so bad, and I didn’t know how to fix it!

I went to the Safetypowers Course. The lessons showed me how to say I was sorry – and how to get help.

My friends understood, and we all felt better. Now, I know how to be kind instead of mean when I get upset.”

Donor support made it possible for this student to learn and practice skills to protect and strengthen important relationships.

Please donate today. Your gift will be matched by our Leadership Circle – and, you can be confident every dollar will go right to work giving skills to create cultures of safety and respect!


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Published: December 26, 2023   |   Last Updated: December 26, 2023

Kidpower Founder and Executive Irene van der Zande is a master at teaching safety through stories and practices and at inspiring others to do the same. Her child protection and personal safety expertise has been featured by USA Today, CNN, Today Moms, the LA Times, and The Wall Street Journal. Publications include: cartoon-illustrated Kidpower Safety Comics and Kidpower Teaching Books curriculum; Bullying: What Adults Need to Know and Do to Keep Kids Safe; the Relationship Safety Skills Handbook for Teens and Adults; Earliest Teachable Moment: Personal Safety for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers; The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People, and the Amazon Best Seller Doing Right by Our Kids: Protecting Child Safety at All Levels.