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Kidpower workshops are joyous, supportive and fun – despite the reasons why child protection skills training is important. We want adults to learn to teach children with joy and compassion. Learning new things, especially to combat harm, requires a supportive and positive approach.
Keeping kids safe is a grown-up job.
Coaching kids to develop their own age-appropriate real-world and virtual-world safety skills is also a grown-up job.
Most adults know this, but many also say they want more skills and greater confidence to provide this kind of everyday safety leadership with ease.
Kidpower can meet this need, and we are happy to announce that registration is now open for our premiere summer institute:
Kidpower Skills for Child Protection
As a participant in this 18-hour seminar August 9-11 in San Francisco, you’ll receive personalized coaching to become a more effective youth safety leader as a parent, teacher, playground volunteer, counselor, coach, troop leader, or in any other adult leadership position serving youth.
Kidpower will draw on its 24 years of youth safety training experience to provide participants with information and hands-on training in the skills every adult needs to be strong leaders for young people learning to navigate peer and sibling dynamics, advocate for themselves, maintain personal safety online, and integrate stranger safety skills necessary for growing independence.
Whether you want to be the strongest possible safety and social-emotional skills coach for your own child at home, for your students in a classroom or on a playground, for athletes on your team, or for clients or participants in your groups, we’ll provide you with personalized guidance to help kids have safer, more positive experiences with people everywhere they go.
Kids are safer when the adults in their lives feel prepared to provide relevant, practical guidance for managing interpersonal safety on an everyday basis, so we hope you will join us!
Register now. A weekend of your time can help the young people in your life be safe and thrive for years to come.
Published: May 16, 2013 | Last Updated: October 10, 2014