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Lately, it seems that barely a week goes by that we don’t hear news of adults in positions of power or trust, accused or convicted of “sexual misconduct” in the workplace, domestic violence, sexually abusing young people in their care, and also about adult leaders who were told and ignored it. We believe that because of this we are getting even more requests for resources and training to stop sexual harassment and assault than ever before.

We want to help you take action to stop and prevent sexual harassment, abuse, and assault. That’s why we offer many free educational resources online, affordable books, in-person workshops, and have opened our world-renown instructor training to teach teens, adults, including seniors, and people with disabilities.

You can also use take this training for your own professional development to learn our empowering, skills- and stengths-based curriculum for use in your work and personal life.

For more than 29 years, Kidpower has been teaching people how to advocate for themselves and others, build confidence and healthy relationship skills, use awareness to avoid or leave trouble before it starts, persist in getting the help they need, as well as effective physical self-defense for all ages and abilities.

We are still accepting applications for our bi-annual Teenpower/Fullpower Instructor Certification and Core Program Training (CPT) in Santa Cruz, CA, October 18-23, 2018.


Learn More and Apply Now

The next opportunity for this training won’t be until Spring 2020.
Applications are Due September 15, 2018!

This program is primarily for people who want to become certified as instructors with Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International, AND also for people who want to audit the program to use in their personal and professional lives without becoming certified.

The Teenpower/Fullpower CPT provides hands-on practice to prepare participants to teach teens and adults, including people with disabilities and people who are elderly. The life-changing strategies and skills include boundary-setting, awareness, target avoidance, help-seeking, and physical self-defense to prevent and stop most abuse, harassment, assault, dating and domestic violence, bullying, and prejudice — both in-person and online.

Even if this training is not something you can commit to this spring, you can still make a difference by using and sharing skills from our books, extensive resource library online, and by referring people and organizations to our workshops and professional development training.

Here are some resources that can help right now from Kidpower’s Sexual Assault and Dating/Domestic Violence Prevention Resources Page, including these free articles, affordable books, and much more:

We look forward to supporting your commitment to safety, and would love to work with you towards helping people in your community to learn skills to be safe!


Copyright © 2018 - present. All rights reserved.

Published: February 8, 2018   |   Last Updated: February 8, 2018