Walmart Kidnapping Video: Lessons in How to Prevent Kidnapping

The Walmart kidnapping video is a compelling reminder to parents about that an abduction attempt can take place in seconds even when you are close by. When a man attempted to kidnap seven-year-old Brittany in Walmart, her courage, fighting spirit, and instant reaction might well have saved her life, Lessons are to keep your security awareness in familiar places, teach children Stranger Safety skills, and prepare children to protect themselves from an attack.

L.A. Miramonte School Child Abuse: When Procedures Fail to Protect Kids, What Do We Need to Change?

News stories about years of alleged shocking child abuse by two teachers in LA’s Miramonte School provide a sad example of how the procedures in place failed to protect kids. As the school community goes through great trauma in trying to re-establish trust with the parents and to prevent harm to any more students, this article explores what might have helped to make a difference.

Sad Clovis Child Sexual Abuse Story – Seven Actions Adults Can Take to Protect Kids

Sad story about a second grade teacher in Clovis, California, who allegedly molested of his students left parents and teachers wondering who to trust, what to tell their children, and how to keep their kids safe from this ever happening again. Kidpower recommends these seven actions to parents, teachers, and other caring adults for protecting their kids from abuse.

For Phillip Parker, Dead at Age 14 – Loving Kids is Not Enough

Yet another young life has been tragically lost because of bullying. Last week, fourteen-year-old Phillip Parker committed suicide. His parents say he had been cruelly bullied for being gay. It’s not enough to love your kids and to be upset and worried about the bullying. Parents, educators, youth leaders, and all caring adults must take these actions to help prevent young people who are being bullied from being overwhelmed by despair.

Rape is Rape. Why Kidpower works to help ALL people be safe!

The FBI and the Department of Justice have finally expanded the definition of the crime of rape to include the sexual assaults of men, children and any adult who cannot give consent to sex. Though I hate the idea that anyone would experience this or any kind of violence in their lives, it is important to define it accurately in our statistics, so we can work more effectively to prevent this terrible crime.

Kidpower has been committed to teaching people of all ages and walks of life how to prevent and deter violence since 1989 and we hope this newly expanded definition at the highest levels will translate not just into expanded statistics, but also – and more important – into positive action to address and prevent rape at every level of society.