What Penn State Football Could Have Learned From Kidpower

The Penn State Football child abuse case is a classic story of someone misusing his position of trust and power to abuse and coerce kids and of adults in responsible positions not taking action to stop him. The knowledge and skills we teach in Kidpower could have helped to protect these vulnerable boys from harm – and could have caused the abuse to have been discovered and stopped much, much sooner.

Jamey Rodemeyer – What Might Have Made a Difference?

Once again, the news is filled with the tragic story of a teen suicide from bullying – this time of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer who lost hope after being bullied repeatedly and took his life. How does something like this happen? And, what can we do to prevent another tragedy? Progress is being made, but the best anti-bullying laws, policies, and programs in the world won’t work if adults don’t notice and intervene in the moment when bullying occurs – and if kids don’t have skills for managing their emotional triggers, staying in charge of what they say and do, and being persistent in getting help.

“Helicopters or Protectors?” Preview excerpt of the Kidpower Book for Caring Adults

Note: This post includes a preview excerpt from our newest edition of The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults: Personal Safety, Self-Protection, Confidence, and Advocacy for Young People, by Kidpower founder and executive director, Irene van der Zande, which will be released October 2011.  Check out the full excerpt, which is available in our free online library of […]