Summer Safety Resources

Taking trips, going to camp, or spending more time on their own in the neighborhood can be great for kids in the summer. But changing routines and going to new places can also present new risks. Here are some resources providing simple steps parents can take and safety skills they can teach their kids before summer camp and recreational activities start, in ways that are fun and age-appropriate rather than scary.

“What If Someone Starts Shooting Kids At My School?” – A Heartbreaking Question No Child Should Ever Have To Ask

Every time a school shooting occurs, parents, teachers, and other caring adults want to know what to say to their children. Our job is to provide reassuring, truthful information in an age-appropriate fashion without putting upsetting images in our children’s heads that don’t need to be there. Here how to protect children’s emotional safety right now as we are figuring out how to take action to prevent tragedies like this in the future.

Penn State Sanctions Set New Path to Success

The NCAA’s penalties for the Penn State’s football program send a clear message from the national level that child safety should be put ahead football, winning, and hero worship. The message that the well-being of kids is more important than sports is revolutionary. By moving through this hard situation, Penn State Football, and the University as a whole, can develop a reputation of true excellence built on a foundation of integrity, courage, and safety.