by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Sep 5, 2018
How to safeguard children while encouraging them to respect their faith. Steps for spiritual leaders and families to keep children safe from the new book “Doing Right by Our Kids.” Recently, a minister gave a passionate address to his whole congregation, “There is a lot of upsetting news that can be confusing for a Christian. I just want to be clear about where we stand in our church. Children should never be hurt, here or anyplace else. It is unacceptable to harm children. If you see anything that concerns you, you must take action…”
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Mar 29, 2018
To honor Child Abuse Prevention Month this April, we encourage everyone to use and share the following free resources to keep our children and teens safe from harm and to prepare them to take charge of their safety. 1. Address the challenges that can increase the risks of abuse and make four important decisions to […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | May 17, 2017
Once a friend asked me, ” What does a child abuser look like?”
“I wish I had an easy answer to that question,” I said. …
As adults, we need to be prepared to stay connected with our children and know who the people responsible for their safety are and what they are doing. We must ask questions and speak up anytime we have a concern, regardless of discomfort or worries we might have.
Without going into the details about sexual abuse, here is what our kids need to know:
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Apr 1, 2017
Let’s honor Child Abuse Prevention Month this April by protecting our kids from harm – and preparing them with knowledge and skills for taking charge of their own safety. Sadly, we cannot take away the suffering caused by abuse in the past. We can and must do our best to protect the kids of today and tomorrow – and to help everyone who has survived abuse as a child to find healing and hope.
Here are seven child abuse prevention actions each of us can take this month that will make a difference.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Feb 26, 2016
These six new books make it easy and fun for educators, parents, and other adult leaders to start to use our “People Safety” curriculum with children and youth in their classrooms, youth programs, and families. Stay tuned for our organizational and school packages that include training for professionals in how to effectively teach and practice skills to keep kids safe.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Dec 22, 2015
Kids and adults alike benefit from being able to speak up instead of suffering through intrusive games, conversations, affection, and other pressures that often become issues during the holidays.
by Beth McGreevy | Jun 11, 2015
A recap and recording of Kidpower’s “Summer Safety” Coaching call, held June 1, 2015. Read a summary transcript with links to all of the recommended resources and listen to a recording of the call. Parents and professionals called in to talk with Irene van der Zande who helped turn their concerns about safety for kids in summer camp, recreation and travel situations into step-by-step practices to help kids build confidence and skills for taking charge of their own well-being.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Mar 26, 2015
Awareness, action, and skills can keep our precious children and teens safe from most abuse, most bullying, and most other violence, most of the time. Please help us honor April as Child Abuse Prevention Month by taking these actions.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jun 6, 2014
Taking trips, going to camp, or spending more time on their own in the neighborhood can be great for kids in the summer. But changing routines and going to new places can also present new risks. Here are some resources providing simple steps parents can take and safety skills they can teach their kids before summer camp and recreational activities start, in ways that are fun and age-appropriate rather than scary.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Apr 26, 2014
What does it take to protect child entertainers from abuse? Many of us enjoy seeing child entertainers, and many of them love the work they do. But, if their success comes at the cost of abuse by someone in power, the price is too high.