by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Sep 8, 2021
I just got this story from a relieved father: “My three-year old had a huge meltdown when we didn’t have the chocolate milk he desperately wanted. Suddenly, I remembered Calm Down Power. I took his hands and told him to squeeze my hands hard and take a deep breath. Immediately, he stopped crying and screaming […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Jan 14, 2019
English | Español Let me tell you about a New Year’s resolution from 1994 that I’ve managed (mostly) to keep. Late in December 1993, I was getting my new 1994 weekly calendar ready: writing in appointments, project deadlines, and birthdays, thinking about the year ahead, musing on what I wanted to do differently. I came […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Oct 30, 2018
Halloween times have changed since I was a child roaming the neighborhood freely to trick or treat. And kids can still have fun if we remember to make a Halloween safety plan and to prepare older kids with knowledge and skills before letting them go trick or treating on their own.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Sep 5, 2018
How to safeguard children while encouraging them to respect their faith. Steps for spiritual leaders and families to keep children safe from the new book “Doing Right by Our Kids.” Recently, a minister gave a passionate address to his whole congregation, “There is a lot of upsetting news that can be confusing for a Christian. I just want to be clear about where we stand in our church. Children should never be hurt, here or anyplace else. It is unacceptable to harm children. If you see anything that concerns you, you must take action…”
by April Yee | Jul 9, 2018
The Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International Board of Directors has unanimously agreed that the harm done by separating children from parents seeking asylum should be regarded as a child safety issue rather than a political one, and advocates the immediate reunification of these children with their parents.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Mar 29, 2018
To honor Child Abuse Prevention Month this April, we encourage everyone to use and share the following free resources to keep our children and teens safe from harm and to prepare them to take charge of their safety. 1. Address the challenges that can increase the risks of abuse and make four important decisions to […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Feb 8, 2018
Lately, it seems that barely a week goes by that we don’t hear news of adults in positions of power or trust, accused or convicted of “sexual misconduct” in the workplace, domestic violence, sexually abusing young people in their care, and also about adult leaders who were told and ignored it. We believe that because […]
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Sep 27, 2017
Cyberbullying can be devastating. For Bullying Prevention Month this October, Kidpower International provides essential ways parents, teachers, and youth advocates can help kids learn how to cope with electronic aggression.
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | May 17, 2017
Once a friend asked me, ” What does a child abuser look like?”
“I wish I had an easy answer to that question,” I said. …
As adults, we need to be prepared to stay connected with our children and know who the people responsible for their safety are and what they are doing. We must ask questions and speak up anytime we have a concern, regardless of discomfort or worries we might have.
Without going into the details about sexual abuse, here is what our kids need to know:
by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director | Apr 1, 2017
Let’s honor Child Abuse Prevention Month this April by protecting our kids from harm – and preparing them with knowledge and skills for taking charge of their own safety. Sadly, we cannot take away the suffering caused by abuse in the past. We can and must do our best to protect the kids of today and tomorrow – and to help everyone who has survived abuse as a child to find healing and hope.
Here are seven child abuse prevention actions each of us can take this month that will make a difference.