“Now I know how to protect myself from cyberbullying!” Please donate to Kidpower for Bullying Prevention Month

“Can you imagine someone making a Facebook page titled “I HATE…” with your name, and then having hundreds of people ‘like’ it?” “It was awful. I was angry, scared, sick to my stomach – I didn’t know what to say or do. Not anymore! Kidpower taught me how to protect my feelings, stay calm, move […]

Stop Cyberbullying in “Pediatric Safety”

Cyberbullying is everywhere in the news today, the dark side to social media that creates misery for countless children and adults. Like any form of bullying, cyberbullying can poison someone’s joy in life, reputation, and well being. Teaching digital citizenship can be a powerful solution to cyberbullying. Just as an antidote is a substance that can counteract a form of poisoning, responsible digital citizenship can provide an antidote to cyberbullying.

“Now I’m not afraid of recess!” Please donate to Kidpower for Bullying Prevention Month

“Now I’m not afraid of recess!” Thanks for Kidpower Supporters like you, parents can now worry less about their children’s safety! “Avery’s worst day? When kids switched off his motorized wheelchair, laughed, and ran away, leaving him scared and stranded on the playground after recess. It was terrible. He cried all night and said he […]

“NOW we know how to handle cyberbullying!” Please donate to Kidpower for Bullying Prevention Month

“Now we know how to handle cyberbully!” Thanks for Kidpower Supporters like you, we know how to help our child be safe online. Every family needs these skills! “Trolling, bashing, excluding, stalking, outing, harassing, flaming, impersonating…. These were the many cyberbullying risks our 12-year old Jasmine faced. We were upset and overwhelmed by it all. […]