How can we stop sexual assault and harassment? Skills for teens and adults | Sexual Assault Prevention Resources

Lately, it seems that barely a week goes by that we don’t hear news of adults in positions of power or trust, accused or convicted of “sexual misconduct” in the workplace, domestic violence, sexually abusing young people in their care, and also about adult leaders who were told and ignored it. We believe that because […]

Ahead of his time — Ephraim Regelson, July 23, 1923 – January 15, 2018

Many of the lessons and values we teach in Kidpower are thanks to my father, Raim Regelson and mother Lily Regelson. For this reason, I thought you would appreciate this tribute to Raim and a little about his last days, which I was fortunate enough to share and during which he taught me even more lessons. He was enormously proud of Kidpower and took a great deal of joy in coming to our conferences.