Digital Citizenship: New Avery ‘Kidpower Shorts’ supercool video!

I am delighted to share a new ‘Kidpower Shorts’ video on Digital Citizenship by Avery Holmes, who describes himself as a “Kidpower native”. Avery’s distinctive style, clarity, and humor make this safety lesson enjoyable for everyone who is online, including adults, teens, and youth! Click here to watch Kidpower Shorts – Episode 2: Digital Citizenship […]

New Workshops Open for Enrollment – Scholarships Available for Some!

Visit our Learn Online page to see three types of new workshops open for enrollment! 1. PARENTPOWER PROGRAMS You’ll find three Parentpower Programs, each focused on one of three topics: Bullying Prevention; Sexual Abuse Prevention; and Out in Public During Troubled Times – Making Family Safety Plans. Partial scholarships available! “I am trying to legally […]