Learn to Empower Teens & Adults to Take Charge of Their Safety! Apply Now for Our April 2020 Teen/Fullpower Instructor Certification & Core Skills Training

Did You Know Kidpower Isn’t Just for Kids? The news is full of stories of teens and adults suffering trauma that we know can be avoided and stopped most of the time with the skills and strategies we teach in our Teenpower and Fullpower programs! These skills also help students to develop safe and strong relationships that add joy and meaning to their lives.

YOU CAN BRING Kidpower’s teen and adult programs to middle and high schools, senior centers, life-skills programs for people with disabilities, workplaces, and out into your communities. Apply Now for our bi-annual Teenpower/Fullpower Instructor Certification and Core Skills Training (CST) in Santa Cruz, CA, April 23-28, 2020. Don’t delay – the next training is in 2022!

It’s Throwback Thursday! See How Our Kidpower Safety Tips Have GROWN!

For “Throwback Thursday” we thought you might enjoy this photo of our founder, Irene, demonstrating how to practice setting healthy boundaries with a child in a 1993 workshop, AND to see how much our Kidpower Safety Tips have grown from our first handout, introduced in 2011, to now with 5 safety tips handouts and posters! […]

Keeping Halloween FUN for Kids Kidpower safety tips and tricks!

One thing we at Kidpower have learned over the years as parents and teachers ourselves is that for Halloween to be fun – we have to KNOW OUR AUDIENCE and PLAN AHEAD. None of the young kids we know like to see R-rated murder and mayhem – so every year we scout out ahead of time our trick-or-treat route and check in with neighbors to make sure we avoid streets that kids might not want see – because it’s too scary. A little planning ahead and thought about who will be experiencing your Halloween displays, costumes, and celebrations, can go a long way to making Halloween fun and safe for the kids and adults in your lives!

October is Bullying Awareness Month – Kidpower Resources for Positive Peer Communication

The reason we call our programs Positive Peer Communication, is because our approach is to teach the skills we want young people and adults to build for respectful self-advocacy, boundary setting, and effectively getting help. These skills do help to prevent bullying and harassment — and even more importantly: they are the same skills that help everyone to build positive, healthy relationships and a culture of safety and respect in their families, schools, communities, and workplaces.

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