Kidpower Terms of Use

Use of and access to the Kidpower website (the website), as well as all Kidpower content and materials, is subject to the following terms and conditions:

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  1. Your access and/or use of the website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions as of the date of your first use of the website. If you do not accept this Terms of Use in its entirety, you may not access the website; link to the website; or download, copy, or print any Kidpower materials or content from the website.
  1. Kidpower reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time for any reason without notice, by updating this website. Your continued use of the website after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions as modified. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for keeping yourself apprised of any such changes.
  1. You agree to use the website only for lawful purposes and in a matter which does not infringe the rights or restrict the use and enjoyment of the website by any third party.
  1. Indemnity: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Kidpower for any harm and all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of your use or misuse of Kidpower’s website and Kidpower’s materials and content.
  1. Disclaimer of warranty: Kidpower makes no warranties, representations, or statements, express or implied, with respect to the materials and contents on its website, including its marks, and hereby disclaims all warranties that might otherwise be implied by law. Use of Kidpower’s materials, content, and property is solely at your own risk.
  1. Kidpower does not warrant that the functions and materials contained in the website will be: uninterrupted or error free; that defects will be corrected; that the website, or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs; or represent the full functionality, accuracy, and reliability of the materials.
  1. All intellectual property on the website and the material or information it contains are subject to copyright protection and other intellectual property protection (including but not limited to copyright, designs, and trademarks (registered or unregistered)). This intellectual property is and shall remain the property of Irene van der Zande or third party licensees, according to their individual agreements. Some materials have been published on the website with the permission of third party copyright owners (who are not Kidpower). All rights are reserved on these materials and permission to copy them must be requested from the copyright owners (as indicated within these materials). The Kidpower and Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International name and logo, and all related product and service names are the trademarks of Irene van der Zande, licensed for use to Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International. You agree not to use any Kidpower or Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower trademarks or logos without the prior written consent of Irene van der Zande or her authorized representative.
  1. “Opt-in” and Consent to receive email: Completing any form on the website where you enter an email address and other information, such as, to join the resource library membership, or to download a free resource, indicates that you understand and agree to receive email messages from Kidpower and can unsubscribe at any time.
  1. Commercial use or publication of all or any item displayed is strictly prohibited without authorization from Kidpower. Nothing contained in this Terms of Use shall be construed as conferring any license by Kidpower to use any item displayed on the website. Authorization guidelines for use of materials are as follows:
In general: ASK US FIRST before using our content. Submit your request via the Request Form below. All of our content is copyrighted and requires separate written permission for duplication or publication in any form as well as for adapting, re-creating, further developing, and/or translating. For more information about boundaries and permission for different types of uses, please click on the applicable titles below to open a box with specific directions for your situation and to learn more about our requirements for each type of use.
A. To Use Any Kidpower Copyrighted Content in Providing Live Services, In-Person or Online, As Long As They Are Non-Recorded

Within the following boundaries, we encourage you to use ideas, stories, explanations, strategies, skills, or other content from our copyrighted program in your own live activities and services, whether you provide them in-person or online, to protect people from harm and empower them with knowledge. You may do this as long as you:

  • Do NOT record your live in-person or online activities and services when using our copyrighted content.
  • Do NOT use our organizational or program names, copyrighted marketing language, or track record, to describe or promote yourself or as names or promotion for your programs unless you are officially affiliated with our organization.
  • DO keep our name with our work by using the “Kidpower” name with the skills, safety rules, techniques, methodology, and strategies from our program.
  • DO acknowledge our organization, describe the source of your information in a book or article or workshop, and tell people how to reach us. We can give you specific language depending on the type of use so that you are clear, accurate, and mutually supportive, without giving the impression that you are representing or certified by our organization unless you actually are.
  • Here’s an example of an appropriate statement of acknowledgement:“This skill comes from Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International. We thank them for permission to use parts of their [please insert a quality, ex: exceptional] child protection, positive communication, and personal safety curriculum and program in this activity.

If there is a local Kidpower center within a 2-hour drive of your location, please also add:

“For information about services in _______, contact ________.” 

Please consult our Locations page for specific local Kidpower center service areas and contact information.

  • DO respect our copyright, if you wish to reprint our materials by following our Permission to Reprint or Publish Requirements so you have prior written authorization BEFORE reprinting, translating, emailing, videoing, broadcasting, putting on a Wikisite, using in a newsletter or book, sharing our content in a written class plan, or otherwise publishing any part of our program in any digital or printed form or format. Please scroll down to see requirements for different types of uses below.
  • Please note that permission to use our content verbally in teaching people in person is NOT permission to publish or duplicate any part of our content in any written or digital form in print or online, including in articles, posters, images, lesson plans, research papers, videos, broadcasts, wikisites, blogs, newsletters, books, or other contexts.
B. To Download and Print an Article for Personal Use

If all you wish to do is print one (1) copy of an article or other educational resource from the online library for your individual use, you can do so directly, using the Print PDF option to download, to ensure that the Kidpower logo, format and copyright is retained, without further explicit permission.

We accept and appreciate donations to help support our free library of resources, however clicking the download link indicates your agreement with our Permission to Use Requirements, and that is all that is required to print one (1) copy of a PDF document from our online library.

C. To Link to One or More of Our Articles in an Email, eNewsletter, on your Social Media Channel, or on a Website
  • If you would like to reference a single Kidpower article on your website, on your social media channel, or in your email newsletter, you are welcome to include a live link directly to our webpage containing the article, publication, or handout. No formal permission is required, though we do enjoy hearing from individuals and organizations that choose to link to our website. Please do not use our logo for this purpose. When sharing links that cannot be live, such as on Instagram, then please use or a simple, memorable redirect, such as,,,, You can ask us for one if you need one.
  • If you wish to publish or use our articles or program content in greater quantity or in any other digital, printed, broadcast, presentation or other format: 
    • Please scroll down to see requirements for different types of uses below.
    • Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form to explain what articles or other material you want to use and how you want to use them. We normally grant permission for personal and charitable noncommercial purposes as long as our Permission to Use Requirements are followed.
    • Please ASK US FIRST.
D. To create original social media posts using Kidpower content

If you wish to create your own post using Kidpower content for sharing on your social media channel, please Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form below to explain what articles or other material you want to use in your post and how you want to use them. We normally grant permission as long as you submit the proposed post by email for pre-approval and it meets our permission to use requirements, regarding our use of name and logo and it respects our organizational values.

E. To Make Print Copies To Share, To Distribute Or To Digitally Share PDFs Of Library Articles On Our Letterhead
  • In order to obtain permission, please Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form and specify which articles are of interest, how many copies or people this PDF will be shared with, and for what purpose. For educational or charitable purposes, Kidpower normally gives permission to download and print copies of the PDFs of library articles on our letterhead with no copy changes, bearing Kidpower’s logo, contact information, and copyright notice.
    • For the best-quality hardcopy reprint, use the “print” feature that is available on the article page.
    • Instead of sending or posting individual PDFs of articles electronically, please send out the URL with the title so people can click on it individually. This helps with our website visibility and copyright protection.
  • Note that donations to help maintain our free library resources are gratefully accepted. If you have trouble finding the PDFs for the material you wish to copy, please let us know.
F. To Post, Reproduce or Publish Content Online
  • If you wish to inquire about permission to reproduce, publish, or post any of Kidpower’s content – including, but not limited to: articles, images, posters, handouts, videos, audio, or webpages – on another website, Wikipage, or other online location, please fill out Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form
  • We typically charge a license fee to republish any of our content online; fees may be reduced or waived for nonprofit organizations or noncommercial purposes. We normally grant permission for personal and charitable noncommercial purposes as long as our Permission to Use Requirements are followed. We will respond to your request by email, typically within 3 business days, with any questions or explicit permission guidelines applying to your requested use.
G. To Publish One or More Articles or Images in Print Publications
  • Kidpower welcomes requests for reprints of original Kidpower content in media outlets, newsletters, magazines, books, flyers, etc. Please fill out our Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form
  • We typically charge a license fee to publish Kidpower content in printed publications. Please fill the form below to inquire about licensing fees; fees may be reduced or waived for nonprofit organizations or for noncommercial purposes. We normally grant permission for personal and charitable noncommercial purposes as long as our Permission to Use Requirements are followed. We will respond to your request by email typically within 3 business days with any questions or explicit permission guidelines applying to your requested use.
H. To Include Content In An Academic Projects Or Paper
  • Permission must be obtained using the Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form and all of the guidelines below must be followed. This means that, in addition to the traditional way of citing sources in academic projects or papers, ideas from the Kidpower program and educational resources must be acknowledged at the BEGINNING of the use with active links to the website and the source itself.
    • For example:
      “Ideas from the book Bullying: What Adults Need to Know and Do to Keep Kids Safe, published by Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International, are incorporated into the following paper. Kidpower is a global nonprofit leader in providing child protection education and personal safety skills to people of all ages and abilities since 1989. (”
I. To Film, Include in Audio, Audio-Visual or Artistic Representations
  • Kidpower welcomes requests for filming or making other audio-visual or artistic representations of skills, role plays, or key concepts from our program, as long as Kidpower is publicly acknowledged and all of the guidelines below are followed. Please fill out our Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form.
J. To Use Content From A book or Other Publication that is NOT a Library Article
  • Each of our books, and all of the images we use in books, articles, or anywhere on our website, is subject to copyright protection. If you wish to publish, adapt, re-create, further develop, and/or translate any portion of the Kidpower publications in any form, prior permission and a licensing agreement will be required from the author or her authorized representative. Please fill out our Use our Reprint or Use Permission Request Form.
K. Additional Permission To Use Guidelines
  • Articles must be reprinted in their entirety or authorized excerpts from books or other resources must be reprinted as approved, including the use of our logo, copyright notice, and contact information. Copy changes require prior approval.
  • Articles must include Kidpower’s byline under the article title. Byline information includes the author’s name (as posted on our website) and the name of our organization.
  • For example, “By Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Founder and Executive Director.” If no author is noted, please use the following generic byline: “Provided by”
  • Articles must be credited with the following copyright statement at the bottom of each article: “Copyright © [Please Insert Year Listed in Article] Irene van der Zande. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. For more information, visit”
  • When excerpts are authorized as part of a larger publication, acknowledge Kidpower visibly and clearly at the beginning of your article in which there is any use of Kidpower content and tell users how to reach Kidpower both internationally and through any local centers. Please have active links for anything done electronically, include a reference with a link to any specific articles used, and include our logo if you use any kind of graphics from Kidpower or elsewhere in your document.
    • For example, AT THE BEGINNING of any article used or other material that is extensively quoted or paraphrased, please put this acknowledgement as an introductory note or byline:
      Thank you to Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International and (author’s name) for permission to use this copyrighted article. Kidpower is a global nonprofit leader in providing safety education to prevent and stop bullying, violence, and abuse. For more resources, see or contact
      [If there is a local center closer to you, and outside of California, please add: For information about services in _______, contact ________. ”  See our Locations page for specific local center service areas and contact information.]
  • Do NOT use our Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower organizational or program names or copyrighted organizational and program description language for your own marketing or fundraising because this might give a confusing impression that you are part of our organization – unless of course, you actually have developed a partnership with our organization and are receiving training and separate authorization to represent us in your area.
  • Do not keep more than two Kidpower articles at a time on your website. We have been advised that it hurts both your and our Google rankings to have too much duplicative material on our websites, so we need to limit the number you use at a time – but you can rotate them if you wish. In fact, many groups send our articles out to their constituents in their newsletters, blogs, and papers.
  • Do tell us how use of our program ideas or materials have benefited your readers or the people you serve, including sharing stories and comments.
  • Please note that there are a few articles on Kidpower’s websites for which Kidpower has permission to publish, but for which it does not hold copyright. As these articles are not Kidpower’s property, we are unable to grant reprint permission for their use—please reach out to those copyright holders (as noted in the articles) for their own permission to use requirements.
  1. Be aware that broadcasting or publishing, in print or electronically, any content from our website without prior permission is a violation of trademark and/or copyright law and could be subject to legal action by Kidpower and/or other organizations or individuals who hold the licenses and copyrights. Unless otherwise noted, all material on the Kidpower website is Copyright © 1989-present day Irene van der Zande, licensed to Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International and its Authorized Centers.
  1. Kidpower takes no responsibility for the content of external Internet websites. Following links to any other websites or pages shall be at your own risk and Kidpower shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damages resulting from the use of such other websites.
  1. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We offer Amazon affiliated links for our own publications. All proceeds from publication sales go directly back into providing free and low cost services and resources on our website.
  1. Any communication or material that you transmit to, or post on, any public area of the website including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, or similar, is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary information. Kidpower reserves the right to remove any such communication or material from the website at its own discretion.
  1. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction: This Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to conflict of law provisions of your actual state or country of residence. Any claims, legal proceeding or litigation arising in connection herewith shall be brought solely in Santa Cruz County, State of California, and you consent to the jurisdiction of such courts.
  1. Remedies: Please be aware that violation of Kidpower’s copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.
  1. If these Terms and Conditions are not accepted in full, the use of the website and any/all Kidpower materials must be terminated immediately.


To request permission to use or reprint any content from articles, videos, podcasts, graphics, or other materials on the Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International (Kidpower) website, please fill out ALL fields as specifically as possible and submit the following Use and Reprint Permission Request Form:

Kidpower Materials Use or Reprint Permission Request Form

7 + 15 =

If for some reason this form does not function properly please answer and send all of these questions in an email, as follows:

  • Send to:
  • Subject: Kidpower Use and Reprint Permission Request
  • Body: Please provide the information on all questions listed in the form as specifically as possible. For your convenience, you can copy/paste the list questions below into your email:
  1. Name, email and job title/role of person requesting permission
  2. Name and contact information of organization or group this person is representing
  3. The purpose for which this material will be used – how will this use help people?
  4. The titles and URLs of specific articles or other educational materials for which permission is being requested: (must be specific – we cannot give blanket permission)
  5. The form of the use – presentation, print copies, newsletter, inclusion in a paper or article?
  6. How will these materials be distributed?
  7. How many people will benefit from this use?
  8. When will this happen?

Or print and send a hard copy of the completed form questions to:

Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International
PO Box 1212
Santa Cruz, CA 95061

We will respond to your request by email typically within 3 business days of receipt with any additional questions or with explicit permission guidelines applying to your requested use. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days, please email to ensure we received your request.



UPDATED: July 17, 2020